I lived in Detroit from 2005 to 2011 as a single young man. Then I spent 7 years away on military duty in across the USA and Europe. I just moved back to the area at the completion of my military obligation.

I am about to move my family [[with a young child) into the city, buying a home not downtown or midtown but in a residential neighborhood. I cannot yet as a responsible parent with financial means send my child to DPS. But I believe there is great value in raising her in an environment that has potential to expose her to more than a cookie cutter suburb has to offer. It is a hell of a risk. I have received a lot of strange looks for this decision. But I stand by it.

You ask "why still believe in Detroit after all the shit"...because this "shit" is our home. There is a certain attitude here that is indescribable. I could have raised my daughter anywhere I wanted, and I picked Detroit. I have been privileged to travel to 49 states and 33 countries, meeting people all over the world, and I truly believe that Detroiters are some of the most genuinely good people in the world.

Speramus Meliora...