We came,We saw,he died.

Hillary Clinton as secretary of state commenting about the overthrow of Qaddafi,it was on her recommendation and planning of the overthrow,problem is there was no back up plan to place a government in charge.

Welcome to 2017 where you can now buy black immigrant slaves on the open market in Libya.

But she is loved by millions.

Millions of Americans poured their hearts out in money and donations to help the devastated in Haiti,but it disappeared through her connections.

But she is loved by millions.

Americans do not have an issue with reopening the slave trade,or collecting millions in order to line ones personal pockets while people die from drinking dirty water.

Millions of Americans love and voted for the woman that had a direct hand in reintroducing the slave trade but cry racist because the president made a comment.

I would garner that the ones that were sold on the block today would have rather suffered the pain of listening to President Trump for a few years then knowing that the rest of their life is going to be spent in chains and servitude.

I agree,what is wrong with this country?