Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
I don't usually give these sorts of lists much attention. I'm quite sure most try hard to find surprising suggestions in order to attract attention. But I will say people grossly underestimate how interesting Detroit is to visit, not least among them the people who live there. Particularly those who live out into the suburbs and rarely visit themselves. And Lonely Planet's niche in the travel guide market is to cater to seasoned travelers much more interested in experiencing local culture than first class accommodations and Michelin star restaurants. Detroit makes a lot more sense for their readers than it does for say, people who prefer to travel with Frommer's, Fodor's, or Rick Steve's.
Not sure if agree with you on this one bust. This past weekend the downtown was bursting at the seems with daytripping suburbanites all over the place.

It's pretty interesting people watching, all the groups of them seem to have at least one tour guide imbedded saying something like "and now we have a ......" or "next you all have to see the ...." and someone in the group is often asking "where is this river walk?" Like it's going to have a turnstile in Capital park or on Fort Street and when you go through it your there!

And the wedding parties. Had to have at least two dozen of them spread out taking pictures of people and buildings all Saturday afternoon.

The changes just a keep on coming. Sure wasn't like that 5 years ago.