So what are your thoughts on Trump reportedly cutting a deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on DACA?

The deal apparently will not only allow the DACA recipients to stay in the U.S. legally [[amnesty), but also gives them a path to citizenship [[which even Obama's DACA program didn't have). In exchange, Democrats will agree to increased border security measures and hiring more Border Patrol agents...but no wall.

Here I'll even give you your preferred news sources, Russia Today and Breitbart, so you can't claim that it's "fake news."

Pelosi and Schumer said they agreed with Trump “to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides.”
On Air Force One however, a White House spokesperson confirmed that “legal citizenship over a period of time” for DACA recipients would likely be part of a deal. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted that the plan would offer them a “path to citizenship.”
Meanwhile the Alt-Right has erupted with rage towards the reports, including sites like Breitbart running headlines like "Trump Voters Burn MAGA Hats"

Ann Coulter on Trump: "I bet on a loser."

Drudge Report's banner headline yesterday read "DREAM TEAM" featuring a photo of Trump next to a photo of a sneering Nancy Pelosi.