aj, Did you even bother to READ the sentence that preceded the one you cut and pasted? I'll highlight it for you since it responded to your comment, “Hillary Clinton's "private and top secret communications" DIDN'T end up on Wikileaks or get twisted into the Russian narrative. “ Wrong-

On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for over 30 thousand emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State.

Your last question was already answered in my post # 207. “If Hillary had used legal computer venues, for instance, her private and top secret communications might not have shown up on Wikileaks and have been twisted into the Russiagate narrative.” “ The actions and reactions of the Obama, Hillary, Schulz, Awan brothers crowd are still very much part of the news. Hillary even released a book yesterday. Obama continues to slam and undercut Trump. My point is that today's news is still very much alive with Mrs. Clinton and other denizens of the Obama administration, so it is difficult to address the Democratic Russiagate narrative without including their participation.”

It wasn’t just Hillary, Podesta, and the DNC’s inability to secure their computers leading to Russiagate of course. As Secretary of State, Hillary’s policies as implemented by Obama, caused hundreds of thousands of Arab deaths and millions of refugees that remain a problem. It is understandable that you want Hillary to be forgotten but to censor Hillary out of today’s news, when convenient, would be a difficult and Orwellian task.