Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
We The last
l agree with you; Trump is fantastic; he uses everyone and everything to his advantage, which ultimately is ours; unlike the "swamp people" who are incapable and have been doing it "to numbers" to line their own pockets for decades. Trump treats everyone equally, if you piss him off he attacks you; when you don't, he doesn't. You know where you are with Trump.

He didn't like Scaramuccl when he was supporting Bush and the other guy and was Wall Street; now he's a Trump man so he's "in". It's not difficult to understand![[for most people anyway)
He spent the entire campaign bashing Goldman Sachs as an example of everything that was wrong with mixing Wall Street influence into politics and then as soon as the election was over, he filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs executives.

There's a word for that: hypocrite.

You seemingly acknowledge that his number one criteria for choosing staff is whether or not they kiss his ass and that's a good thing in your eyes? "Competence" and "qualifications" don't matter [[see: Betsy DeVos and Ben Carson), only blind loyalty.

That's the opposite of good. That's bad. That's the absolute worst way to run a government. He's filled the Executive Branch with incompetent sycophants. I "get" what he's doing, that's the problem.