The main role of the Q Line is to encourage transit oriented development. East Jefferson would open up the Riverfront to more development, as well as make East jefferson a viable transit friendly corridor, as opposed to the eight lane highway it is now. If you think extending extending a streetcar to slows is stupid, then extending it to a bungalow on the West Side is even more stupid.

The Q Line was intended to go to 8 mile+ from the beginning. The center running alignment is faster than the side running, and the Q Line has a top speed of 48MPH, keeping the pace with Woodward traffic. And from 6 Mile+ it can run in the median in its own lane. As far as density, most neighborhoods along the corridor between Boston Edison and 6 Mile have less density than inner ring burbs like Ferndale. The Q Line to Royal Oak makes sense, connecting to Amtrak and the Zoo.

My priorities are-
1. East Jefferson to West Village [[Van Dyke) first, then to Alter/Kercheval on the GPP border
2. Woodward to 8 Mile, then Royal Oak
3. Possibly a People Mover to the Airport

In addition, bus services aren't going to attract the kind of ridership along the woodward corridor, due to the prevailing "bus stigma" of suburbanites born pre-1990. You need to either have trains, or a special "circulator" bus service that makes no stops in "bad areas". White suburbanites won't be hopping on DDOT anytime soon.