Just image if Clinton had been our representative at G20. She would have agreed to everything everybody wanted us to give them and left us god knows how many more Billions of dollars out of pocket, after oiling the channels of how a lot of it would eventually find its way back into her Foundation [[had it been Sanders; he would have left the meetings to join the demonstrators with De Blasio).

She would certainly have taken steps to relieve Europe of its overflow of invaders to stock up on our future democrat voters with deportables to dilute the percentage of deplorables, while Bill was chasing chicks in the Reeperbahn, and the leftie fake press would be singing her praises from the rooftops as to how wonderful this first woman President was at reducing us down to size - probably better than obama - but that might be stretching it a bit too far!

Instead we got Trump, Melanie and Ivanka and a lot of respect [[without any bowing and scraping and apologies).