lol....So I'm supposed to believe Caitlyn Johnstone's narrative of events ? Her claim to be a 'rogue journalist' seems to lean slightly right.

Trump can't even remember or acknowledge who initiated the White House dinner. I'm sure Jim invited himself and picked the main entrée too.....right thru the White House switchboard.

Why is it so hard to believe that a 10 minute conversation with Trump would prompt a law enforcement official to take notes ? He talks bullshit...they listen and write. Pretty simple really....a cop's dream.

A 'Leaker' ? Only when a politician takes aim at the credibility of America's most important law enforcement institution, which is exactly what Trump tried to do. That's what prompted the note taking, and a major factor in the appointment of special counsel.

Seems to me that most of the Senators who participated in the close session are pretty quiet, and I don't hear any of them claiming Mr. Mueller's special counsel role is now a waste of time. That investigation isn't on a twitter or internet timeline by the way.

According to the Senate Majority leader, we have a choice of viewing Trump as a liar or an incompetent buffoon. Please make your choice....I've made mine.