Quote Originally Posted by Zozo View Post
Nine cents per dollar is quite affordable, and it's unreasonable to assume "poor people" can't afford three more cents per dollar.
A 50% increase in sales tax is "reasonable" to you? Especially when the poor are the most harmed by sales tax increases? Rich people don't care about sales tax; their assets are deployed in investments and consumer spending generally not subject to sales tax. Nose jobs and airplane tickets to Paris and lavish home renovations don't come with sales tax.

Quote Originally Posted by Zozo View Post
It's probably more reasonable to assume that "poor people", or low wage earners, are the most hurt by the 4.25% income tax.
Poor people don't pay income tax. So eliminating income tax would do nothing for the poor. Working class people are harmed by our current flat tax, and that can easily be fixed by moving to a graduated tax like most progressive states.

Quote Originally Posted by Zozo View Post
If we want to help "poor people", why don't we let them keep more of the money they earn? After all, what gets people out of poverty faster than... money?
Great idea. I assume you support reversing the huge corporate tax cuts of recent years, correct? And you also support rolling back the higher gas tax and higher vehicle registration fees? These, alongside sales taxes, are the fees that harm the poor.