The problem with Kenyatta is the same with almost all of the final 18.

He has no business experience.

His powerbase [[ as well as those of Watson, Jones, Alberta, etc.) comes from being an activist. An activist's main function is to dole out the spoils from City coffers. Housing projects, road projects, development projects of all sorts. These projects are all funded with tax dollars. They all spend tax dollars, they don't create tax dollars.

Detroit needs people who know how to create wealth, not spend wealth. The inspection process, the permit process, the cost of doing business bribes ... these are all cumbersome to a business doing business. Cumbersome to the creation of wealth. Add in the unseen taxes of crime, hyperinflated insurance rates and it takes very little figuring to discover that the total cost of doing business in the City is anti-business. Anti-wealth. Anti-prosperity.

With a homeowner tax rate of over 65 mills, and a business rate of over 85 mills and compare that to Warren's 32 or Canton's rate of 27 and you can only wonder why there are any people - or businesses - left in the City itself.

Kenyatta, an avowed communist, an avowed black nationalist who [[in his first campaign) ran on the platform of making Detroit a Marcus Garvey enclave, has not exhibited a deep understanding on the creation of wealth.

Personally he is a likable man. He has a gentle manner and has been the voice of reason during the Cobo and Kilpatrick messes, but being the only sane one in a room of kooks doesn't make you qualified to help dig Detroit out of its systemic woes.