Quote Originally Posted by DetroitArmy View Post
Does anyone else find it admirable that our city's top vote getter in the city council primaries is an openly gay man? First of all, there are very few openly gay politicians, and probably for good reason given our societal stance on the issue. Second of all, the black community [[streotypically) is not very tolerant of gay black men and in a city with a african american popluation of well over 80% the city council could possibly have an openly gay black man as president? Has anyone made an issue about this in the media? Personally, I think its an extremely progressive stance taken by Detroiters. For a state and city that has been deemed by the media as racist, stupid, and for lack of a better word antiquated, in my opinion, this is a very impressive and forward thinking outcome.

It could also just be that name recognition pushed him over the top and voters didn't even think about the fact that he is gay [[which might actually be even more impressive at some level), but thats a different discussion for a different day.
As I posted previously, I have no problem with Pugh being gay and on the council. I would have a major problem if he becomes president. As Monica Conyers showed metro Detroit, experience matters. She was a novice and the residents rewarded her with the second spot. God knows what would have happen if she was the president at the time of Kilpatrick's removal.

I'm not saying Pugh would become Conyers pt. 2 but he would be also a novice who would be become president of a council that may have up to five new members including himself. You would need an experience council member to steer the ship, not a novice.