Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
I think you will find the real correlation lies with the lack of leadership from the current president in not speaking out strongly against the "peaceful protests" that have cost cities their vitality and safety and continually inviting the agitators to the W.H. which further emboldened them in their rioting acts and resulted in more police and citizens being endangered.
Um, I'm pretty sure that big cities in the U.S. haven't lost their "vitality and safety" because people are opposed to a racist proto-fascist like Trump. Places like NYC and SF have never been safer, wealthier or more vibrant.

As with everything in Trumplandia, facts are irrelevent.

Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
Sporting teams are overpaid entertainers and private citizens. They can speak their minds but they should at least be mindful of the flag veterans have died defending.
Protesting racism and anti-Americanism is pro-veteran and pro-American. Trump has contempt for the Constitution and American ideals, and support for his proposals go against everything that has made this country great.

Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
Police and soldiers however don't get to speak their minds and have to standby silently when they are insulted.
Oh, poor police! They should have the right to violence without repercussions if they feel like it! How dare we ask them to follow the laws they are entrusted to enforce.