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  1. #126
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    You know exactly who I'm talking about.
    No, I really don't. I assume you're referring to Trump as one of your two "businessmen", and have no clue who else you're referring to.

    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    Would you agree DG has done more for Detroit than any politician in the recent past? And I also mean socially through job opportunities and new businesses.
    What does Dan Gilbert have to do with Donald Trump? Gilbert isn't even a Republican, and has no connection to the alt-right or racist stuff.

  2. #127


    " Not because I liked the guy, but I simply couldn't trust Hillary."

    Yet you voted for a guy who has a fraud case coming up in another week or so, went bankrupt --- how many times? -- has a porn star for a wife [[nice family values, there) and has been in how many lawsuits over the year? I wouldn't hire a person with a track record like that to shovel shit in my backyard.

    And Hillary, who had absolutely bumpkis on her after investigation after investigation, is the one who you can't trust? You wanna talk about lost emails, why were Republicans SILENT when good ole turd blossom deleted millions of emails related to the lead up to the Iraqi war -- when investigations were going on. Why were Republicans silent when Colin Powell used a private server? Look, I can't stand her for my own reasons but good golly, you just voted for a person who really is what you falsely thought Hillary was. Duped.

    If you're going to stand for something, at lease try and be consistent.
    Last edited by Baselinepunk; November-14-16 at 02:21 PM.

  3. #128


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    No, I really don't. I assume you're referring to Trump as one of your two "businessmen", and have no clue who else you're referring to.

    What does Dan Gilbert have to do with Donald Trump? Gilbert isn't even a Republican, and has no connection to the alt-right or racist stuff.
    Should have spelled it out. Dan Gilbert is the other. He's something to consider. Don't you think business relationships transcend political inclinations? I certain hope so or we'd be living in a spiteful counterproductive culture that plays one side against the other to the detriment of both. No, I think we have a President elect and a prominent business man that can come together and do what they do best for the common good of others.

    BTW, alt-right media and racism is not the topic of this thread

  4. #129


    Where should I put that Quicken greatly benefited from the government program called HARP. They were able to stay afloat and become successful during the recession because of that program. If it were not for that program, Quicken, and Gilbert, might be selling pencils under the flyover at M-1 and Baseline right now.

    So, I posit that it's clear that the Federal government program is the root cause for the success in Detroit, by proxy of Gilbert and not solely because of him.

  5. #130
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    Should have spelled it out. Dan Gilbert is the other. He's something to consider.
    Dan Gilbert has absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump. You're seriously arguing that since Dan Gilbert is a "businessman" and has invested in Detroit, then Donald Trump, as a "businessman" will invest in Detroit? What sort of non-logic is this?

    There are tens of millions of people who can accurately be called "businessmen", including myself, and about half the Presidential candidates this year. I'm trying to understand why you're linking two of them. Based on what?

    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    Don't you think business relationships transcend political inclinations?
    Trump and Gilbert have no business relationships, Presidents aren't even allowed to have business relationships, and Trump hasn't been involved in commercial real estate for a good 20 years. He hasn't built anything in decades. He has shown zero interest in any sort of urban agenda.

    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    BTW, alt-right media and racism is not the topic of this thread
    Um, the thread title is "President Trump and the challenges of inner city neighborhoods". How are we to avoid talking about Trump in a thread specifically about Trump?

  6. #131


    [QUOTE=Bham1982;516319]No, I really don't. I assume you're referring to Trump as one of your two "businessmen", and have no clue who else you're referring to.

    What does Dan Gilbert have to do with Donald Trump? Gilbert isn't even a Republican, and has no connection to the alt-right or racist stuff.[/QUOTE

    How do you know that? I would of think differently he had all the top Republicans downtown a week before the election. You do not know how he voted that's private

  7. #132
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by scooter View Post
    How do you know that? I would of think differently he had all the top Republicans downtown a week before the election. You do not know how he voted that's private
    How do I know that Gilbert isn't an alt-right racist? You really want me to answer this absurd question?

    And what does a meeting of Republicans have to do with anything? Trump isn't a Republican. Businesspeople meet with political groups all the time.

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    No, I really didn't. I assume you're referring to Trump as one of your two "businessmen", and have no clue who else you're referring to.

    What does Dan Gilbert have to do with Donald Trump? Gilbert isn't even a Republican, and has no connection to the alt-right or racist stuff.
    Meanwhile back at the ranch, David Axelrod is the grandson of that murderous scumbag commie trotsky that helped murder 10s of millions of christians.
    Rahm Emanuels father was a jewish terrorist that murdered arabs and euros in the lavon affair.
    And these are the scum obama brought In under our noses to make u.s. policy.

    Wake up buttercup

  9. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    " Not because I liked the guy, but I simply couldn't trust Hillary."

    Yet you voted for a guy who has a fraud case coming up in another week or so, went bankrupt --- how many times? -- has a porn star for a wife [[nice family values, there) and has been in how many lawsuits over the year? I wouldn't hire a person with a track record like that to shovel shit in my backyard.

    And Hillary, who had absolutely bumpkis on her after investigation after investigation, is the one who you can't trust? You wanna talk about lost emails, why were Republicans SILENT when good ole turd blossom deleted millions of emails related to the lead up to the Iraqi war -- when investigations were going on. Why were Republicans silent when Colin Powell used a private server? Look, I can't stand her for my own reasons but good golly, you just voted for a person who really is what you falsely thought Hillary was. Duped.

    If you're going to stand for something, at lease try and be consistent.
    Didn't say I voted, said I was rooting.

    Anyway, by virtue of private server, destruction of evidence and lying about it, she committed a crime. Being prosecuted is another matter and certainly still on the table

  10. #135


    Wow. Someone on the ranch forgot that little thing about the sins of the father to the son.

    Good thing you're pure as driven snow all the way back from when your relatives first walked outta Africa.

    Bully for you!!

  11. #136


    "Anyway, by virtue of private server, destruction of evidence and lying about it, she committed a crime. Being prosecuted is another matter and certainly still on the table"

    Get it right and straight -- investigations found NOTHING THAT RESULTED IN A CRIME.


    Got it, now?

    Just because you want it oh so dearly to be true; it's not. Look, I've been lied to more than a few times in life and I know it hurts more from the ones, or in this case sources, we hold dear. Voting or rooting; it's all the same in my book because either way, you [[and all others like you and Trump supporters) are complicit and now accountable for what just happened.

    You thought there was a crime with Hillary.

    There is real fraud case in a real courtroom pending before a judge that Trump called biased because the judge is Mexican.

    Some folks want to live in fantasy land.

    I'll live in reality.
    Last edited by Baselinepunk; November-14-16 at 02:56 PM.

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    Wow. Someone on the ranch forgot that little thing about the sins of the father to the son.

    Good thing you're pure as driven snow all the way back from when your relatives first walked outta Africa.

    Bully for you!!
    Hold that bs thought because I might come back to some how find a way to agree with you If President Trump gives that scumbag ted cruz a position of power considering his daddy's past.

  13. #138


    Baselinepunk;516329]"Anyway, by virtue of private server, destrucition of evidence and lying about it, she committed a crime. Being prosecuted is another matter and certainly still on the table"

    Get it right and straight -- investigations found NOTHING THAT RESULTED IN A CRIME.


    Got it, now?

    Just because you want it oh so dearly to be true; it's not. Look, I've been lied to more than a few times in life and I know it hurts more from the ones, or in this case sources, we hold dear. Voting or rooting; it's all the same in my book because either way, you [[and all others like you and Trump supporters) are complicit and now accountable for what just happened.

    You thought there was a crime with Hillary.

    There is real fraud case in a real courtroom pending before a judge that Trump called biased because the judge is Mexican.

    Some folks want to live in fantasy land.

    I'll live in reality.
    maybe you just like being hard headed because anyone with a brain cell heard Comey his self say she broke the law.
    Well, couple that with the fact that Comey worked for clintoon at her foundation and has since recieved millions in payments.
    Oh, lets not forget tricky dick meeting on the plane in nowhere usa with lynch while wifey is under investigation.
    There Is plenty more but this shall suffice for now.

    So now obama has a decision to make. Blanket pardon his entire admin for their crimes and his name is mud, or since we are being so loosely and viciously accused of being racists supremecists etc, to borrow a word so wrongly used by leftists for sensationalist purposes of divide and conquer let the [[legal)lynching commence.

    Because the public will find out about clintons crimes whether you like It or not.

  14. #139


    Thank goodness for the Ignore Post function. Done with this thread anyway...

  15. #140
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    Didn't say I voted, said I was rooting.

    Anyway, by virtue of private server, destruction of evidence and lying about it, she committed a crime. Being prosecuted is another matter and certainly still on the table
    Except you made all this up.

    Hillary has never even been charged with a crime, ever. She has been fully exonerated by the right wing, Republican FBI director. She did nothing different than any other Secretary of State in the age of email.

    You would have to lock up practically the entire planet for violating workplace email rules.

  16. #141


    "maybe you just like being hard headed because anyone with a brain cell heard Comey his self say she broke the law.

    False [[I know .... but but evil libtard media bias!!!) :

    FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers on Thursday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI about her handling of emails as secretary of state and did not break the law."


    "Well, couple that with the fact that Comey worked for clintoon at her foundation and has since recieved millions in payments.
    Oh, lets not forget tricky dick meeting on the plane in nowhere usa with lynch while wifey is under investigation.
    There Is plenty more but this shall suffice for now."

    Wait, what? So if Comey is in the back pocket of Clinton, then why would he state, as your falsely claimed above, that Clinton broke the law? I would figure if he benefited in some way from their relationship he would help cover for her, not tell folks she broke the law. The rest is just speculation to feed a weak conspiracy theory. This is a prime example of how Trumpteers are trying to have it both ways. It worked with enough folks to get your guy elected but it doesn't work with me and the majority of the US voting public.

    "So now obama has a decision to make. Blanket pardon his entire admin for their crimes and his name is mud, or since we are being so loosely and viciously accused of being racists supremecists etc, to borrow a word so wrongly used by leftists for sensationalist purposes of divide and conquer let the [[legal)lynching commence.

    Because the public will find out about clintons crimes whether you like It or not."

    That last comment ..... man, that really made me smile, a lot.


    Ah, the good ole days. You see, true story - and I really don't give two shakes of your tail if you believe it or not -- I remember from 1992 until about 2004, I was saying the same exact stuff. "You'll find out sure enough about how corrupt the Clinton's." "Bill pulled the trigger on that gun that killed Vince Foster." "Ron Brown was murdered because he was about to expose Bill for XYZ...". Back then, World Net Daily was a true friend to me. And when the Dems marched out in protest after Clinton was impeached .. .. oh boy that was like friggin` 19 Christmas's wrapped into one. I'm an old school Perot person that felt Bush was not conservative enough, and by voting Perot I unintentionally elected Clinton.

    In 2004, I finally realized that, while it was really super fun to eye-poke libbies all the time, the country had been lied to and pulled into a unnecessary war in Iraq. Yellow cake, Republicans outing a CIA operative, etc all started mounting up. That, with the constant lies [[that Bush has admitted to), blowing up the budget, driving up the National Debit and wasted blood and treasure was my breaking point. Due to the amount of purposeful lies and misinformation I was being fed [[and spewed) -- and after seeing a lot of people getting f'd over both domestic and in Theater, Baselinepunk and Republican party forever split and I declared war on my former Masters.

    I know full well what Republican tactics are and snf, you are simply a blow hard amateur. I operated many successful lone wolf disruptive operations and your operation is not really all that good. One day, and that day may have yesterday, today to tomorrow -- the Republican party will be cinders before it does any good for the WHOLE citizenry of this great Republic. Further, it's rather telling that a self-proclaimed successful business person living in NYC, retire after 50 has so many grammatical errors in their posts. Surely with the type of time you have on your hands you could take the time to spell check.
    Last edited by Baselinepunk; November-14-16 at 04:24 PM.

  17. #142


    Yea, that lying libturd media. Feast your eyes on reality youngster.


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    "maybe you just like being hard headed because anyone with a brain cell heard Comey his self say she broke the law.

    False [[I know .... but but evil libtard media bias!!!) :

    FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers on Thursday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI about her handling of emails as secretary of state and did not break the law."


    "Well, couple that with the fact that Comey worked for clintoon at her foundation and has since recieved millions in payments.
    Oh, lets not forget tricky dick meeting on the plane in nowhere usa with lynch while wifey is under investigation.
    There Is plenty more but this shall suffice for now."

    Wait, what? So if Comey is in the back pocket of Clinton, then why would he state, as your falsely claimed above, that Clinton broke the law? I would figure if he benefited in some way from their relationship he would help cover for her, not tell folks she broke the law. The rest is just speculation to feed a weak conspiracy theory. This is a prime example of how Trumpteers are trying to have it both ways. It worked with enough folks to get your guy elected but it doesn't work with me and the majority of the US voting public.

    "So now obama has a decision to make. Blanket pardon his entire admin for their crimes and his name is mud, or since we are being so loosely and viciously accused of being racists supremecists etc, to borrow a word so wrongly used by leftists for sensationalist purposes of divide and conquer let the [[legal)lynching commence.

    Because the public will find out about clintons crimes whether you like It or not."

    That last comment ..... man, that really made me smile, a lot.


    Ah, the good ole days. You see, true story - and I really don't give two shakes of your tail if you believe it or not -- I remember from 1992 until about 2004, I was saying the same exact stuff. "You'll find out sure enough about how corrupt the Clinton's." "Bill pulled the trigger on that gun that killed Vince Foster." "Ron Brown was murdered because he was about to expose Bill for XYZ...". Back then, World Net Daily was a true friend to me. And when the Dems marched out in protest after Clinton was impeached .. .. oh boy that was like friggin` 19 Christmas's wrapped into one. I'm an old school Perot person that felt Bush was not conservative enough, and by voting Perot I unintentionally elected Clinton.

    In 2004, I finally realized that, while it was really super fun to eye-poke libbies all the time, the country had been lied to and pulled into a unnecessary war in Iraq. Yellow cake, Republicans outing a CIA operative, etc all started mounting up. That, with the constant lies [[that Bush has admitted to), blowing up the budget, driving up the National Debit and wasted blood and treasure was my breaking point. Due to the amount of purposeful lies and misinformation I was being fed [[and spewed) -- and after seeing a lot of people getting f'd over both domestic and in Theater, Baselinepunk and Republican party forever split and I declared war on my former Masters.

    I know full well what Republican tactics are and snf, you are simply a blow hard amateur. I operated many successful lone wolf disruptive operations and your operation is not really all that good. One day, and that day may have yesterday, today to tomorrow -- the Republican party will be cinders before it does any good for the WHOLE citizenry of this great Republic. Further, it's rather telling that a self-proclaimed successful business person living in NYC, retire after 50 has so many grammatical errors in their posts. Surely with the type of time you have on your hands you could take the time to spell check.

  18. #143




    a hacked up youtube clip is supposed to be a creditable source nowadays?

    Good gravy -- even I wouldn't have tried to pass off such gack back in the day.

    Youngster? lol if you're i really in your 50s then I'm a peer, boy.

    Better up your game if you are going to be creditable with the gallery and try and sway them.

    So far, you're losing them with every post.

    Perhaps you're not here to sway folks, just being an ass because you can.

    I respect that.
    Last edited by Baselinepunk; November-14-16 at 04:46 PM.

  19. #144


    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post


    a hacked up youtube clip is supposed to be a creditable source nowadays?

    Good gravy -- even I wouldn't tried to pass off such gack back in the day.

    You have got to up your game if you are going to be creditable with the gallery.

    So far, you're losing them with every post.
    Sigh, I could have easily posted the entiree hearings but then you would also dismiss that.

    The fact that comey even agreed during the hearings to the reality that If anyone else did 1 10th what hillary did that they would be imprisoned and indeed have proves her guilt.
    the fact she set up an illegal email server to bypass government oversight is a felony.
    Then deleted [[thank god retrieved by hackers) over 50k classified documents is a felony and enough to know she was commiting treason.

    Open yourmdamn eyes and ears and stop the madness. She is a traitor within our government

  20. #145


    "The fact that comey even agreed during the hearings to the reality that If anyone else did 1 10th what hillary did that they would be imprisoned and indeed have proves her guilt."

    That's false equivocation at it's finest. And that's what the Republicans live, and fear the US with, logical fallacy after fallacy, after fallacy.

    Then deleted [[thank god retrieved by hackers) over 50k classified documents is a felony and enough to know she was commiting treason."

    If that's the case, then call for the lock up Bush II, Turd Blossom and Colin Powell while your at it. They all did the same thing.

    If there was a crime, a crime would be prosecuted.

    All you are left standing with now, beside your pants down around your ankles and your "mic in your hand", a bunch of strawman attacks, red herring and pretty much the whole knowledge list of logical fallacies and baseless claims and you only presents bullshit sources to back up any claim you have.

    Open yourmdamn eyes and ears and stop the madness. She is a traitor within our government"

    Try and keep up for once. This statement is completely false because neither is Mrs. Clinton a traitor, she does not currently work in our government. And not once during this exchange did I call you a name, but you gladly to do that, unprovoked.

    Your empty rhetoric and hyperbole has failed and embarrassed you.
    Last edited by Baselinepunk; November-14-16 at 05:15 PM.

  21. #146


    Oh ffs youve resorted back to the but, but, bush crap.

    Yes, i want bush and all of them to pay for their crimes.
    the sad fact that you defend these crimes knowingly is indeed telling of your own traits.

    Sad indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
    "The fact that comey even agreed during the hearings to the reality that If anyone else did 1 10th what hillary did that they would be imprisoned and indeed have proves her guilt."

    That's false equivocation at it's finest. And that's what the Republicans live, and fear the US with, logical fallacy after fallacy, after fallacy.

    Then deleted [[thank god retrieved by hackers) over 50k classified documents is a felony and enough to know she was commiting treason."

    If that's the case, then call for the lock up Bush II, Turd Blossom and Colin Powell while your at it. They all did the same thing.

    If there was a crime, a crime would be prosecuted.

    All you are left standing with now, beside your pants down around your ankles and your "mic in your hand", a bunch of strawman attacks, red herring and pretty much the whole knowledge list of logical fallacies and baseless claims and you only presents bullshit sources to back up any claim you have.

    Open yourmdamn eyes and ears and stop the madness. She is a traitor within our government"

    Try and keep up for once. This statement is completely false because neither is Mrs. Clinton a traitor, she does not currently work in our government. And not once during this exchange did I call you a name, but you gladly to do that, unprovoked.

    Your empty rhetoric and hyperbole has failed and embarrassed you.

  22. #147


    This is what I hate about politics. People are so polarised that they allow their bias to blind them from reality. This further contributes to the divide while we ignore the real criminals.

    Republicans are guilty of crimes too. I don't like the way Trump is allowing the neocons, that have infiltrated since Reagan, back in. Don't like the pro war approach of the democrats either. Clinton doesn't like Muslims. Her decisions were instrumental in the extermination of millions since the phony war on terror was launched. That either makes her a rascist or Israels bitch.

    Can we agree that big government is the problem without ripping on each other? If so, then at least Trump represents dissenters over the status quo. I'd take uncertainty over absolute in this case.

  23. #148


    Agreed whole heartedly

    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    This is what I hate about politics. People are so polarised that they allow their bias to blind them from reality. This further contributes to the divide while we ignore the real criminals.

    Republicans are guilty of crimes too. I don't like the way Trump is allowing the neocons, that have infiltrated since Reagan, back in. Don't like the pro war approach of the democrats either. Clinton doesn't like Muslims. Her decisions were instrumental in the extermination of millions since the phony war on terror was launched. That either makes her a rascist or Israels bitch.

    Can we agree that big government is the problem without ripping on each other? If so, then at least Trump represents dissenters over the status quo. I'd take uncertainty over absolute in this case.

  24. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Trump and Gilbert have no business relationships, Presidents aren't even allowed to have business relationships, and Trump hasn't been involved in commercial real estate for a good 20 years. He hasn't built anything in decades. He has shown zero interest in any sort of urban agenda.
    You've said several untrue things, and have spewed a lot of misinformation, exaggerations, and hyperbole about that very flawed man. I just don't have enough time to refute all of those statements.

    You have stated a few times that Trump has not built anything in 20 years, yet in Chicago, there is a 98-story condo-hotel, the 4th tallest building in the U.S., completed in 2009, that he built and called Trump International Hotel and Tower.


  25. #150


    What snf, SammyS and all other Trumpeteers [[if you voted Trump, you own it!) want for the future of our great Republic:


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