Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
I think with Hudson's and the Monroe Block you will get more balance as viewed from Canada, but I think the best thing that could happen are some mid-rises and high-rises popping up east of the Ren Cen. There was that rumbling last year about Gilbert teaming up with GM to develop that and I have seen some other hints from those working on the riverfront that some big things are coming, I am just wondering when we might see some announcements. If demand continues to be high the riverfront is perfect for some residential high-rises that could really change the look of the city.
I think that the infill of those blocks, along with some other surface lots in the CBD will create that infill, but the three areas that will most affect the skyline are, as you mentioned, the parking lots directly east of the Ren Cen, the JLA site next to COBO, and the fail jail. Those two visually will alter the skyline more dramatically than a twinning of the old Ponch by COBO or some 12 story apartment buildings. JLA site once JLA is knocked down could be a major development, as it has the potential to fill in that area as well as connect to downtown. It should be a very interesting 5 years once some of these get moving and come to fruition.