Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
I think we have a social obligation to invest in poorer countries. Its one of the only ways we'll truly find peace in the world.

Beyond that, I'll just add that the writer's view that the 'war on crime' was a major factor seems myopic.

So the writer hates 'over-policing', and finds that its the cause of Detroit's decline, as well as that underground noise near Zug Island. I'm tiring of all the world's problems being reduced to the single issue some writer supports.

Detroit's decline is super-complex, and there are hundreds of causes. I think 'over-policing' is about #200 on the list. Social decline caused by the welfare state, about #15.
Interesting rankings wesley, I never attempted to rank the issues.

Yes we should invest in poorer countries. That said, We shouldn't dis-invest in this country to do it.

That is the problem with the current global setup. It allows players to move about the globe in the guise of spreading prosperity while walking away from previous commitments.