Jeff Chalmers hasn't been as decimated by demolitions as many other outlying neighborhoods. Some blocks are pretty nice. Others have too many residents who like to park their cars on the front lawn. One asset is that the neighborhood retains more trees than many others. This actually makes a difference. I think there was a community effort to plant trees in the late 60s early 70s after Dutch Elm disease took its toll.

Additional rehabilitation of buildings on E. Jefferson might embolden some reputable flippers to take a flyer on some houses in the neighborhood to get the ball rolling. There is potential for development there like we're seeing on Livernois/6-7 Mile.

For jobs though, Jeff Chalmers is pretty isolated unless your workplace is downtown or eastside Detroit. That hurts its prospects. Thousands of its former residents used to work at the nearby and now long gone Chrysler, Hudson and Continental factories.