A few months ago an acquaintance was killed while riding a bike at a resort in Mexico. According to reports he was riding on a paved rural road with light traffic and was riding safely. He was killed by a police car.

In a perfect world car drivers and bikers would all obey the rules of the road and use common sense. However, wherever I'm driving, in MI, FL, and most other places it's common to see drivers and bikers driving erratically. I am an aggressive driver but it scares me to approach bikers because I don't know what to expect.

So, whether one is careful or foolhardy, it's insanity to bike on a road with motor vehicles. A biker who does that has no common sense, apparently relying on the mistaken belief that vehicular driver are not impaired in so many ways, texting, phoning, or daydreaming.

Bikers have every right to be on the road. Sky divers have every right to jump out of planes even thought they didn't pack their own chutes. Have at it.

Don't get me started on drivers of Smart Cars, those coffins with wheels, and similar toys who drive in the left lane more slowly than the flow of traffic. Nutcases.