Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
I agree the artistic intention was probably intended to evoke a black power fist. But I strongly disagree the black power movement is the 180 opposite of Nazism. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I believe that while some among the black power movement thought violence was a legitimate method of self-defense, the defense part is key. Nazism was a blatantly offensive movement. Individuals will each have their own opinion but I believe black power was more of an AND operation: black people deserve a share of power too. Just like "black is beautiful" doesn't mean only black is beautiful, it means black is beautiful too.
I didn't mean it that in depth,.. or to say it was the opposite of Nazi'ism,.. just that the pushing of Black Power by "The Fist" was the opposite of the "Aryan superiority" propaganda that the Nazis espoused. Obviously the National Socialist Party had a lot of other agendas going on along with that.

I think The Fist is a shame. I feel for Joe Louis. Pretty much no one going by there knows whose fist it is. And if you told them,.. most people these days don;t know who he was,.. or what he looked like. And having it there has meant that no one else did a proper memorial to Joe. Would be nice if they scrapped it and put up a 20' statue of Joe somewhere. People would know what the man looked like at least.