Oh, this is precious. More than a backdoor confirmation of the culture of the organization which has taken over so much of our downtown.

How can this be, though, within a group which has garnered national praise for their workplace conditions...what boast did ol' Danno lay down when he showed up here a while ago?!

I had heard from a few sources that things weren't quite as rosy as the news outlets would admit...and suspected they would NEVER report anything shady about our city's benefactor unto savior.

Overheard a conversation at a downtown watering hole one night that really raised the hairs on my neck...when a newbie to the Quicken universe was being coached on how to work their weaker clientele by someone who was a few steps into the game already. It was disgusting, and we did all we could to avoid listening to them...but my gal and I kept catching the harsh reality being handed down by the pretty-boy boss to the new hire he obviously wanted to know more...um...thoroughly. He seemed to be trying to impress her with his deviousness in business. I guess he'd seen it work for his bosses.

Nah, if ol' Dan the Gambler and his gang of merry mortgage maniacs are that great to work for...there would be no need for these forms of silence dictates from the top. I wonder now if this pressure is really gone to keep their employees from talking about their jobs, will they smoke less now?

I'm laughing again at the memory of that response...which hinged upon the ancient insult poltroon that I searched on, and stumbled upon a Cleveland Cavaliers' forum post quite obviously from their megalomaniacal owner. Dude thought I was a disgruntled ex-employee, I wonder how many of those he's got to chase down and keep quiet. There is probably an entire division of his secret police force dedicated to such...when actually dealing with the true problems are likely much less expensive pursuits.