Quote Originally Posted by Baselinepunk View Post
That pic with the Republican seal on HockeyTown --

Pure NEW Michigan / Detroit

I bet someone got some special special in their gift basket -- that's a flag-plant if I ever saw one.

But, I guess ya got it give it up to the Westside - they've finally struck a death knell on Detroit actual. And they finally dance in their wooden shoes with glee to the chants of the wicked Detroit Bitch is dead.

Can't wait for all of the nifty fights we're going to have over keeping the only handful of women clinics open.

And all of the bakers not baking.

Ottawa County Sheriff is already branding tax-payer funded assets with "In God We Trust" -- coming to a squad car near you!!

Laugh it up, fuzzball --- don't think that can't happen, then I've got a Detroit school district I can make you EM of.

Did you think in 2006 of a situation where government suspended Democracy in a major U.S. city, short of armed domestic rebellion or Al-Queada?

Will Gulliver wake up and throw off the binding strings of the little cloggers?
I am still surprised that your comments-or still the protests-did not morph into a repeat of July 1967.