Quote Originally Posted by PlymouthRes View Post
And to be clear, I think the guy was a hero, despite the dumb rules these companies have. People that want to commit these types of crimes will find a way to do it, as evidenced here. Usually they go for the "gun free" places because they know they are an easy target.
I'd say most of the employees at the Tech Center and the VEC would agree.

But I can understand why GM reacted the way they did. If you don't set an example, other employees will think they can do the same thing this guy did. Besides that, if he were to shoot someone and kill them with his gun, that would leave GM wide open to all sorts of costly lawsuits [[which, in the wake of the ignition switch recall, is the last thing they need more of).

Perosonally, my hope is given the uniqueness of this situation, cooler heads and common sense will prevail and this guy will be able to return to his assignment.