Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
What they said is that those areas will be the focus of future public meetings. If you look at the PDF posted above Hart Plaza is mentioned as a future project and has a 50 million dollar price tag next to it. I dont know what that means or how accurate it is but it is definitely on the radar of these groups. They also mentioned the railway blocking the West Riverfront from Riverside Park. Maroun owns the land but they said that his company is in favor of extending the riverwalk and is working with the conservancy right now.
Well I'm glad to hear it's on the radar. I wonder what Matty will want in exchange for the railyard. Hell, if you look at Google Maps, the Riverfront portion is completely unused for any rail operations, so you could actually extend the Riverwalk all the way to Riverside without any kind of upheaval if they wanted. It'd just be more aesthetically pleasing to see some sort of park area or mixed use development than a railway right there.