Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

If the election were now, I'd vote third party if it was a Trump - Sanders matchup but I'm not sure if I'd go Trump or third party if Hillary was the candidate. Trump has Hillary's number on foreign policy. ""She is the one that caused all this problem with her stupid policies. You look at what she did with Libya, what she did with Syria. Look at Egypt, what happened with Egypt, a total mess."
"She was truly — if not the — one of the worst secretaries of state in the history of the country,""She talks about me being dangerous. She's killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity." Trump nails it. Whatever Trump did with his Daddy's seed money, most accounts have his net worth at $2.5-5B and he claims it is $10B.
I've had my fill of voting for Republicans; Dole/Bush/Bush/McCain [[Ugh)/Romney only because I could never vote Democrat; but this time I'm voting Trump or nobody. ALL the rest are just politicians that will play by the established "rules" that got us to where we are now. There is no difference between Dem/Rep;they are all closet socialists redistributing to remain in power.