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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by SDCC View Post
    “Christian evangelists [[zealots) claim Starbucks fanned 'war on Christmas' with minimalist holiday red coffee cups”.
    How dare Starbucks not have a Christian themed cup – shove that religion down my throat all you want – I throw it back up every time.
    I guess this means "when out of arguments, try and change the subject"?

    Or is it "Muslims in Hamtown are allowed to be bigoted idiots because Christians somewhere else are bigoted idiots"?

  2. #52


    I live in Hamtramck. Everything is fine here. Nothing to see. Immigrants still coming to town and fixing up houses. My property values thank them. If anyone tries to ban alcohol, I'm pretty sure they will realize that more than half the city disagrees. We have the most bars per capita of any city in Michigan, and they are well-frequented by residents and visitors alike.

    Hoping this story line goes away soon, so Hamtramck can get back to being Hamtramck.


  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    You're up early Pam; couldn't you sleep?
    It could be, of course, that by now a majority of the voters are muslims and weren't allowed to vote for an alternative or else! Then everybody's opinion that's not muslim should matter.
    Unless you have proof that voting laws have been violated, to say residents were forced into voting for Muslim candidates is outrageous to say the least.

    This whole thread, though, is amusing. It's borderline Islamophobia. This is what happens when demographics change, the local politics, generally, change as well.

    Now I know what the Boston Brahmin felt like when those dang Irish Catholics took over Boston City Council. "The Pope is gonna rule Boston!"

  4. #54


    "Or is it "Muslims in Hamtown are allowed to be bigoted idiots because Christians somewhere else are bigoted idiots?"
    I must say I like the gist of your observation and I find it very difficult not to be bigoted against many of the groups discussed on DetroitYes for being bigots; so not to favor some over others I prefer to be bigoted against all of them. I'm an equal opportunity bigot. It's such a cleansing feeling because you just know they're all bigots in their own ways but want to show you to be THE one - and if you already are, who gives a shit anyway? Merry Christmas - especially to those that don't recognize it but still take it off - maybe SDCC has it off to throw it up
    Last edited by coracle; November-09-15 at 09:51 AM.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by SDCC View Post
    “Christian evangelists [[zealots) claim Starbucks fanned 'war on Christmas' with minimalist holiday red coffee cups”.
    How dare Starbucks not have a Christian themed cup – shove that religion down my throat all you want – I throw it back up every time.
    That there are delusional zealots on the other side of a debate doesn't disprove the point. I do hope and expect that it'll turn out that Muslims are willing to assimilate. There's a lot of evidence that they will -- but it isn't conclusive to me. Unlike previous waves of immigration, there seems to be much less pressure to assimilate than there was in the past. My immigrant parents wanted to be assimilated. Maybe there is nothing to be seen here -- we shall see.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    It's borderline Islamophobia.
    No, I think they crossed the borderline.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    It could be, of course, that by now a majority of the voters are muslims and weren't allowed to vote for an alternative or else!
    As dtowncitylover points out, this is the same outrageous crap they used to say about Roman Catholics. But then, unlike Islam, the Catholic church actually is hierarchically organized.
    Last edited by EastsideAl; November-09-15 at 12:25 PM.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    No, I think they crossed the borderline.
    I want to have hope that people aren't this narrow minded, but alas comment sections and DYes threads always seem to prove me wrong. That's why Ben Carson appears to be #1.

  9. #59


    It is absolutely islamaphobia, plain and simple. Other than an election nothing has happened to warrant this but people have mentioned having hands cut off and have made comparisons of the Hamtramck city council to Nazi Germany. I feel bad for people who are that shut off and that fearful of everything.

    Meanwhile though while you decry one group ruling based on religious beliefs you have an entire political party invoking the Bible and discriminating against people. I would be more apt to listen to an argument against Muslims voting based on certain religious practices if the same people were as adamant about the perils of people using the Bible as a guide to govern. They aren't though, they just act like every Muslim is out to get us, so we have to get them first. So you can keep being proudly bigoted [[I still can't believe I read that) and I will keep feeling sad for you because nothing you say will actually come to pass, but you will continue to live in a constant state of fear. Must be fun.

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    Meanwhile though while you decry one group ruling based on religious beliefs you have an entire political party invoking the Bible and discriminating against people. I would be more apt to listen to an argument against Muslims voting based on certain religious practices if the same people were as adamant about the perils of people using the Bible as a guide to govern. They aren't though, they just act like every Muslim is out to get us, so we have to get them first. So you can keep being proudly bigoted [[I still can't believe I read that) and I will keep feeling sad for you because nothing you say will actually come to pass, but you will continue to live in a constant state of fear. Must be fun.
    There is a church north of Big Beaver on Rochester Rd. that still has "Vote Biblically" signs up. I really want to know what the heck this means? Should we pass Prop A to mandate the entire Book of Leviticus as now law? How is believing in implementing "Biblical Law" different from believing in implementing Sharia Law? And as Christians, we were never really given a set of laws like Leviticus. We were only told to Love the Lord above all else and Love our neighbor as yourself. Which are great to be practiced not be implemented in government and forced upon everyone.
    Last edited by dtowncitylover; November-09-15 at 12:37 PM.

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I'm sure there were people around who were fortunate enough through their job to meet nice Germans but it didn't stop WWII killing 60,000,000 and re arranging our world.
    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    It could be, of course, that by now a majority of the voters are muslims and weren't allowed to vote for an alternative or else!
    Absolutely outrageous, but depressingly not unexpected.

    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I'm an equal opportunity bigot
    Last edited by EastsideAl; November-09-15 at 12:33 PM.

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    U.S. Census data > Internet booster
    Please cite the actual census numbers.

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
    Please cite the actual census numbers.
    It's open and public info. Just go to http://www.census.gov/en.html

    Hamtramck has declining population, a historic rate of decline analogous to that of Detroit, and severe depopulation in the South End census tracts. It's just less abandoned compared to Detroit because it was historically somewhat more dense.

  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    It's open and public info. Just go to http://www.census.gov/en.html

    Hamtramck has declining population, a historic rate of decline analogous to that of Detroit, and severe depopulation in the South End census tracts. It's just less abandoned compared to Detroit because it was historically somewhat more dense.
    You cited the census so you should easily be able to show the numbers and historical comparison. Of course, in your typical fashion, you make a claim, cite a source then tell others to find the data in the source.

    Clearly, stating facts, then backing them up with numbers isn't your strong suit. You very well may be right in this case but the 'my facts are the census bureau' but I won't supply any numbers schtick gets old.

    So please, pretty please, supply the numbers you referenced in your previous post.

  15. #65


    No need to get excited. These people are just passing through until they get on their feet, like the Poles before them and Germans prior to that. Unfortunately there are no factories such as Dodge Main, Briggs, Chrysler, etc. to hire them so they open stores to exist until they get on their feet. Soon they will all move north of 14 mile and the next transition will occur. As far as the bars there are still plenty of them. Dearborn is doing well and as we know has quite a Muslim population. Walk into some of the stores on Conant and start a conversation. Spend a couple of bucks and support them. I have always been treated with a smile and thank you. Never felt out of place.

    Take a ride past HHS when school lets out. You will see it is like any school in the burbs. Kids well behaved of all ethnicities, handsome young men and pretty young girls dressed in an eclectic manner just enjoying their freedom and youth.

    If you really want to mingle and converse with very interesting folks and learn something about these people stop in at the Port Bar. Just don't make an ass of yourself. Sit and listen. Some will tell you their stories and why they are here. It will give you a whole new perspective. These people are here because they love America and what it stands for.

    We have nothing to fear but fear itself.


  16. #66


    Detroit and the Detroit area needs more in-migration, not less. It's disappointing to read some of the opinions here.

    From the comments on the 'Detroit Out-migration, In-migration, and the "Other"' thread it would be easy to mistake the only fear of the "other" Detroit faces is a city / suburb divide.


    The comments here prove otherwise, in stark terms.
    Last edited by bust; November-09-15 at 06:39 PM.

  17. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    It is absolutely islamaphobia, plain and simple. ...
    Labelling it 'Islamaphobia' doesn't not respect the concerns of the phobic. Nor does it dismiss those concerns with facts. Its simply labelling of the 'other' in a negative way -- and it doesn't foster a positive 'conversation'.

    I think its safe to say that elements in Islam are acting in a way that might be something to be afraid of. Especially if you're not Islamic and like your head on your shoulders.

    Elements of Islam are killing Christians [[and Muslims). A plane fell from the sky the other day. Dead Caucasian Eastern Catholics. Dead because they dare challenge ISIL.

    Simply screaming 'Islamaphobia' is pointless.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by piczka View Post
    No need to get excited. These people are just passing through until they get on their feet, like the Poles before them and Germans prior to that. Unfortunately there are no factories such as Dodge Main, Briggs, Chrysler, etc. to hire them so they open stores to exist until they get on their feet. Soon they will all move north of 14 mile and the next transition will occur. As far as the bars there are still plenty of them. Dearborn is doing well and as we know has quite a Muslim population. Walk into some of the stores on Conant and start a conversation. Spend a couple of bucks and support them. I have always been treated with a smile and thank you. Never felt out of place.

    Take a ride past HHS when school lets out. You will see it is like any school in the burbs. Kids well behaved of all ethnicities, handsome young men and pretty young girls dressed in an eclectic manner just enjoying their freedom and youth.

    If you really want to mingle and converse with very interesting folks and learn something about these people stop in at the Port Bar. Just don't make an ass of yourself. Sit and listen. Some will tell you their stories and why they are here. It will give you a whole new perspective. These people are here because they love America and what it stands for.

    We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

    There is nothing to fear but fear its elf. Old soldiers never dye, they just fade away...

    Honestly, I thought you would come up with something more gratifying than that old narrative of pick up and leave for 14 mile and yonder. Like I said, I hope that healthy friction will spare those pretty young women the veil. They could do worse than be modest for their Would be suitors, daddies, uncles and all other well meaning fellas out there. I sometimes see ten year old girls imitating their mothers' modest countenance. So sweet.

  19. #69


    I slam-o-phobia is lame-o-phobia.

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Labelling it 'Islamaphobia' doesn't not respect the concerns of the phobic. Nor does it dismiss those concerns with facts. Its simply labelling of the 'other' in a negative way -- and it doesn't foster a positive 'conversation'.

    I think its safe to say that elements in Islam are acting in a way that might be something to be afraid of. Especially if you're not Islamic and like your head on your shoulders.

    Elements of Islam are killing Christians [[and Muslims). A plane fell from the sky the other day. Dead Caucasian Eastern Catholics. Dead because they dare challenge ISIL.

    Simply screaming 'Islamaphobia' is pointless.
    I am not screaming it, I am stating what people are. I don't have a ton of respect for those who judge people and make wild sweeping generalizations because they are fearful.

    Since you decided to bring up beheadings, how many have happened in Hamtramck in recent years? How many attacks have taken place? You fear your head might be chopped off while walking the streets there? Im curious, in an age of suicide bombings, plane hijackings and beheadings, you think an extremist faction is slow playing "death to America" by taking over the Hamtramck city council?

    There really isn't a conversation to be had when nothing has happened and people talk of beheadings and compare a peaceful community to Nazi Germany. May god help us if they get majorities in other realms. Im sure an all Muslim fire department would let Christian homes burn instead of putting them out. Why? Because clearly without any proof or acknowledgement of reality, I believe that all Muslims hate America and wish to do me and my family harm.

    If you think that last part sounds ridiculous you now know how I feel reading every islamaphobic post in this thread. If you don't find it ridiculous.... well I guess this country has bigger problems than radical Islam.

  21. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Labelling it 'Islamaphobia' doesn't not respect the concerns of the phobic. Nor does it dismiss those concerns with facts. Its simply labelling of the 'other' in a negative way -- and it doesn't foster a positive 'conversation'.

    I think its safe to say that elements in Islam are acting in a way that might be something to be afraid of. Especially if you're not Islamic and like your head on your shoulders.

    Elements of Islam are killing Christians [[and Muslims). A plane fell from the sky the other day. Dead Caucasian Eastern Catholics. Dead because they dare challenge ISIL.

    Simply screaming 'Islamaphobia' is pointless.
    You do realize the extremists don't represent all Muslims, right? I know that is a hard concept for your typical 'murican to follow.

    Here is what I know my Muslim friends want to do: Work, take care of their family, improve their community, live decent lives and be left alone by the bigots that think ISIS is a representation of all Muslims.

    The bigotry in this thread is sickening. You and the others should be ashamed of yourselves.

  22. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    Elements of Islam are killing Christians [[and Muslims). A plane fell from the sky the other day. Dead Caucasian Eastern Catholics. Dead because they dare challenge ISIL.
    Elements of Buddhism are forcing Rohingyan Muslims out of their homeland in Burma and making them stateless. Are we to be afraid of every Buddhist American?

    What you're saying has some validity to it. ISIL is a force that needs to be dealt with, swiftly and frankly mercilessly, but unless you have proof that ISIL has infiltrated Hamtramck or Dearborn, it's complete paranoia and fear mongering. The same shit that made Japanese Americans go into internment camps.

  23. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
    You do realize the extremists don't represent all Muslims, right? I know that is a hard concept for your typical 'murican to follow.

    Here is what I know my Muslim friends want to do: Work, take care of their family, improve their community, live decent lives and be left alone by the bigots that think ISIS is a representation of all Muslims.

    The bigotry in this thread is sickening. You and the others should be ashamed of yourselves.

    I would think nobody lumps everybody in the same barrel,as an example the large amount of residents fleeing Puerto Rico for Fla and New York are doing so for the same reasons.

    Their economy is crashed and violence has taken over and they want a better future for their children,that is totally understandable and does not make everyone a a bad person,but the situation is this,somebody had to be in those gangs over there and when they are uprooted and move elsewhere they do not stop that activity.

    There are developments in the state that were marketed exclusively towards that moment and are now subjects of massive gang concentrations.Picture LEO blocking excess to every street of a 50,000 resident subdivision for a car check for weapons.

    No it is not everybody but when in this case you are dealing with even a 1% extremist faction,they do not play around,it only takes one of thousands to act as we all know.

    When there is a high concentration then it easy to blend in and find a support group that is willing to look the other way.

    Just like a small group in the city of Detroit makes it seem like the city is in demise,it does not say everybody in the city is a bad person but it shows how it only takes a small percentage to have a large impact.

    It is not a phobia or bigotry because there are blatant examples of the downside that we see everyday on the news.

    There are factions in this world that can not stand this country with every living fiber of their body and they have proven time and time again their ability and non reluctance to act out.

    So yes,we have every right to be leary and question as to the intentions of certain immigrants and walk on the side of caution,what part is it of current events is it that is not understood?

    We did not chose to move to their country and expect that country to conform to our ways,try that there and you will end up with a bullet to the head without a second thought so what is the thing about everybody coming here and expecting us to conform to their ways,if one expects this country to suit their needs then they are going to have to prove themselves first.


    pleased, especially with oneself or one's merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied:

    Some attack Christianity but are getting upset because some are in their belief are not acting very christian like,and really who needs morals and values anyways,it could be argued that the country is much better off without them as we can well see.
    Last edited by Richard; November-10-15 at 12:28 AM.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Info. on what the council actually does:

    What an absolutely, completely...boring city council. Pretty much on par with every other city council around. Except Detroit's.

  25. #75


    I think the sign could be interpreted to remind voters to consider the ideas and values of new testament of which many Christians believe, unlike the Levitical laws you mention.

    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    There is a church north of Big Beaver on Rochester Rd. that still has "Vote Biblically" signs up. I really want to know what the heck this means? Should we pass Prop A to mandate the entire Book of Leviticus as now law? How is believing in implementing "Biblical Law" different from believing in implementing Sharia Law? And as Christians, we were never really given a set of laws like Leviticus. We were only told to Love the Lord above all else and Love our neighbor as yourself. Which are great to be practiced not be implemented in government and forced upon everyone.
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-10-15 at 06:20 AM.

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