Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
Thanks to the Grand Bargaining Agreement between those [[Romans) in Michigan Legislature and the Detroit City Council. Millions of dollars [[ part of the of the 20 billion dollar state grant and debt forgiveness) was put in to new L.E.D. street lighting on every last ghetto hood in Detroit. So far about 72% of new street lighting was installed in Detroit's main streets and ghetto hoods. These new L.E.D. lighting will be stage three tamper proof; wired high in case those crazy folk cause some car accident that ran into the lighting pole high wires will automatically cut off from the its transformers if the incident happen. But it will not cause all lighting to go out like the old 1890 Christmas lighting direct circuit system. Most of it will be solar powered. So if you want to find transformer under the pole, or cut it from above to knock all the lights out, you can't you have to take out entire street pole one by one. It's a neat trick to keep Detroit's ghetto hoods lit up for the night the stop the robberies and murders.
Is that why the new lights are connected by cables suspended in the air? I thought it was done because the infrastructure buried in the ground was so rotted out, it was most economical to simply run cable from the DTE power lines and not dig up the ground.