It still a mess but Detroit has started to turn the corner. Homicide is up across the country in many big cities but we appear to be on track to close the year around or beneath last years murder count and sub 300. Now is 300 murders something to be happy about? Absolutely not. Its the only statistic that the police cant sweep under the rug. When murder rates are consistent and every other category of crime goes down year over year i tend to think they're full of shit. Murder rate here is still among the highest in the country but atleast it didn't spike this year like Milwaukee, DC, Baltimore, Chicago, etc. Population will probably continue to slide and the remaining housing stock across the city is in bad shape. Old homes and people without much money will have this result. I would be surprised if Detroit had adequate housing left for a million people. I don't think it does. If the city went thru and inspected every dwelling in town i wonder how many would pass for fit to be lived in. I wonder how many people that would comfortably shelter. In terms of blight no matter how fast they tear shit down it isnt a static number. Next year there will be more blight. We will have torn some down but houses go unoccupied. Scrappers come in, strip the home of metal and fixtures and they are no longer viable or habitable. They may not have been in great shape before the metal came out and it would cost more to fix than it would be worth after restoration.
Do you live in SE michigan or Detroit OP?