Quote Originally Posted by hybridy View Post
College kids do not walk from mcnichols to ferndale. They got harassed enough being Caucasian and patronizing the coney across the street. The only college oriented business there is the pied piper because they sell to all the under agers. We used to patronize a bar nearby called Courtney's on Tuesdays circa 2003-04. After a few weeks of college night, the place got torched. Fond memories!
I suspect that you are right that they don't do it. Most of them don't live on campus and get there by car, and so they drive in and drive out, My point was only that if they were living there, they could walk or bike to Ferndale. I do see some of the students walking and running through the neighborhood, but I think that is mostly for exercise rather than transportation.

Based upon my observation and experience in the University District and Sherwood Forest I don't think you are correct about the harassment. I'm white, I walk around the neighborhood a lot, and I pretty much only have friendly interactions with the people I meet. I know other people in the same situation. My older [[white woman) neighbor teaches at U-D and walks down to work there pretty much every day and while I probably haven't heard about any minor mishaps she may have had, whatever has happened to her hasn't caused her to switch to driving. I'm sure people occasionally have bad experiences--if nothing else the neighborhood isn't crime-free--but I wouldn't expect a student walking or biking to Ferndale to have much problem.