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  1. #1

    Default Down..The Rabbit, Whole!

    I've been learning about brainwaves and the nervous system over the past few days...after realizing that a blog I copied-and-pasted here contained blatant errors, and I wanted to know enough to correct them fully. I apologize for forwarding mistakes, I hope the rest of this makes up for that!

    I fell into another rabbit hole...one that curiously dovetails with some of the mythical, mystical, and spiritual things about mere human existence I've learned and have experienced [[and continue learning and joyously experiencing)...but abruptly butts against with the anti-human studies that factions of our government actively pursued during black-operation experimentation of the late 40s through early 60s, performed largely by Nazi scientists brought over here by a young Central Intelligence Agency.

    But not before bending back around to how brainwaves are affected by the active ingredients [[greatly magnified in the female) of a particular easiest-to-gender-identify common plant known to mankind since time-out-of-mind...which puts the human brain in a state of flowing creativity and connected-ness with everything perceived...making the copacetic user less susceptible to the low-level electro-magnetic manipulations of the human nervous system still being perpetrated by unknown individuals deep in the shadows of government?!

    [[Through wondering WHY possessing and consuming even the tiniest portion of this innocent plant is ILLEGAL in the face of such overwhelming positive proven usage...when everything EXCEPT the published government propaganda along with any studies & experiments funded and controlled by them are considered?!)

    Followed by the subsequent curiosity of an active 40-year-plus mass-media attempt to have the population simultaneously expect an imminent encounter with a benign, malevolent, or aggressive alien race [[or all three at war with each other and us); while discounting unto mania anyone who investigates or dares attempt to prove the existence of a sixth sense...when all non-TOP SECRET studies have actually proven the 6th sense to be our direct sensitivity to Electro-Magnetic stimulii...again back to brainwaves...and those evil few, hidden under multiple layers of “Need to Know” clearance.

    You may not want me to go Mayan and Egyptian on ya...but after finding all those CIA maps on-line drawn up with that Equidistant Azimuthal Projection that happened to be similar to the Piri Reis map from 1513 [[that could ONLY be made from a flying or orbiting machine WELL above sea level, even HE said in his margin notes he copied his from OLDER maps!)...then seeing that among all the major cities of the world THEY had mapped three little towns in Egypt ON A PATH TO THE PYRAMIDS...we might not be able to quit!

    But there IS this clock a-ticking...

    Here is a listing of the maps, so we may trigger the same web-wipe that eliminated my Beautiful Paraguay in the Post-Apocalypse Springtime thread from the ether all the way to Lowell's backups after those weird server crashes!! See if they happen to resonate with any of y'all out there...in relative order of appearance in the World Catalog of Libraries listing on-line: Beijing, Cairo, Kinshasa, Moscow, Panama, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Clark AFB, Kabul, Kingali Rwanda, Abis as Mustajaddah, Nairobi Kenya, Asuncion Paraguay [[future home of the Walker/Bushes and the other bad people hiding in the shadows if their plans don't work out here), Kartoum Sudan, Saigon, Abu Za'bal, Madrid, Seoul, Teheran, Athens, Miami, Paris, and oddly...Key West [[they must really have something against Mr. Marqueritaville, even though by all accounts he is one of them!). Whew!

    Anyone want to hear it play out? I know I can be verbose...but never know when my energies and time are being spent well. I've got a TON to do, but I haven't had these New Moon learning spells in quite a while.

    The best and strongest ones were just before ItsJeff passed away, and they seem to have returned in that force again!

    Cheers...glad to be alive...

    [[Copyright, John J. Gannon, 2009)
    Last edited by Gannon; July-23-09 at 09:14 PM. Reason: added Copyright, John J. Gannon 2009

  2. #2
    ccbatson Guest


    Classic Gannon...scary and entertaining.

  3. #3


    Thanks, Cc, this is my reply to your requests, I guess.

    I'm pretty sure it won't be made into a movie. Nobody would believe it.

  4. #4
    ccbatson Guest


    Fiction doesn't need to be believed to be popular and entertaining.

  5. #5


    What happens when it becomes reality?

  6. #6
    ccbatson Guest


    Even more success for you...a win-win.

  7. #7


    Boning up on those Sped Redding skills, have ya been?!

  8. #8


    Not to add more layers to a good conspiracy, but I've both read and heard that many in the Bilderburg Group wish to cut the world's population by about 1/2 to 2/3's in the next several decades.

    They will/ are doing this through wars, conflicts, scientific experiments and disease, not necessarily in that order. Alex Jones makes his case on his website, and it may be of interest to some here.

  9. #9

  10. #10


    I wonder what the "living new language" is that they are speaking of in #3 on the Guidestones?

    I picked up a free book at John King's the other day on language...You Don't Say, by Vernon Pizer...previously from the Beaubien Junior High School library, but NEVER checked out!...and read it up to the point where the author discusses attempts at forging a common language, ending with the nineteenth century workings of Esperanto.

    I wondered then if that would be the language of the New Order...and then read this on the Guidestones. I love how this dynamic learning through the Spirit works...everywhere I turn, more to learn.

    Last edited by Gannon; July-23-09 at 10:27 PM. Reason: I had to make it rhyme.

  11. #11

  12. #12


    Another cool, but [[probably) not related thing...


    The All-Seeing Eye?!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Another cool, but [[probably) not related thing...


    The All-Seeing Eye?!
    The Eye of Sauron. Heeeeee's baaaaaaakkk.....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I thought this thread was going to be about rabbits. Bummer.


  15. #15


    Okay, I read through the initial post. Then I read it again. Then I copy-pasted it and blew it up and read it again. Then I tried re-arranging the sentence structure so it's not so convoluted, and read it again.

    And I still don't get it.

    I'm a relatively intelligent and well-read person. I was reading Dante [[in translation) and Milton when I was in grade school, and managing to understand what they were saying. It was slow going, but I understood them. But this...I couldn't make sense out if it.

    Just what the heck were you trying to say?

  16. #16


    There are experiences I've had that prove to me there is considerably more to the universe and existence that meet the eye...or any other of our basic five senses.

    I've been on some knowledge quest since age ten and have assembled some curious data...that is seriously contrary to what many hold as truth and reality. Wildly contrary and possibly dangerous to everyone's well-being...and I feel compelled to warn against it as best I can. I am at a loss of what to do, I just know that something is up...of that there is NO question.

    In my continual studies on that quest...including a lifelong inexplicable utter fascination with the human brain and nervous system...I've found too many trends that point to something 'other' happening in plain sight, yet many others simply either cannot perceive it or choose to ignore it.

    That first post is a rough and rambling outline of an attempt to grasp the things I've learned...including many of the more esoteric things that exactly fit when viewed in context. It was triggered by my recent learning on brainwaves.

    As a more solid basis for my thesis, let me lay down a few solid truths:

    It is proven fact that our government illegally grabbed as many of the Nazi research scientists as they possibly could after WWII.

    It is also proven fact that a significant black operation was begun that included live testing on unsuspecting human subjects.

    One of the portions of this anti-human study included manipulation and control over people, against their will.

    [[I'm pretty fond of free will, and defend it fully whenever possible!)

    The most successful public implementation seems to be through Electro-Magnetic radiation of certain frequencies, feeding the body through a PROVEN sixth sense that most people still think is imaginary...and they are chased away from investigating nearly anything related to it through mass media and peer pressure!

    I see that the evildoers [[I have no better term to use) have succeeded thus far in duping the largest portion of the masses in this country, and possibly beyond. There is NO other conclusion for me to make with the evidence I've gathered.

    Some of the main players in this exist deep within the TOP SECRET portion of our own government. They are protected by nested layers of 'Need-to-Know' cover.

    It is absolutely huge...

    Through some fortuitous precise google searches, I've discovered some very curious and amazing things...that help PROVE that this group exists and is actively attempting to carry out the most devious and destructive of their plans to dominate the planet...not unlike Orwell's 1984 in application.

    Probably the most important of those searches gave me a listing of maps in the World Catalog of Libraries that had the same map projection as the oldest map in the viewable public historic record.

    The Piri Reis map has portions that are drawn using what is known as Equidistant Azimuthal Projection...a VERY complex mathematical derivation that allows points on the surface of a sphere to be rendered on a flat plane with accuracy that allows exact distance measurements in ANY direction on the plane...or map, in this instance.

    This projection is the same used for flight plans [[and missile guidance). MikeM uses them every time he flies.

    The Piri Reis map of 1513 was copied from older maps that HAD to be made by someone with access to flight. Five Centuries ago!

    [[Doesn't that seem, at least, curious? If that alone doesn't tickle your synapses, then you should just give up now! I mean, give it ALL up, because without basic curiosity, I don't see any value in your existence.)

    The maps in this WorldCatLib listing were MOSTLY drawn up by the Office of Strategic Services in the Army and the Central Intelligence Agency...from 1942 into the 80s...and contain the cities listed above in that first post. Most are in the news today, but many were certainly unheard of in the US when the maps were made.

    There was one other in the list that was curious, Offut, that was drawn by some mysterious person at Yale, the SEAT of 'asset' creation for the CIA and other portions of that which has grown into a shadow government...now wonderfully and completely hidden under the guise of Homeland Security [[in this context it is easy to spot the Orwellian double-speak). I will get into Offut later if this story develops, I digress.

    So, I believe I stumbled upon the fringes of a plan for world domination. The CIA mapped a route to the original pyramids at Giza, one of the enigmas of our existence! [[they were not built by Egyptians, nor any sooner than 10,000 BC/BCE)

    I'd like to know why...and this whole thread is an attempt to see if putting this story together will be fruitful.

    Will anyone notice...will anyone care?! It always seems to fall on deaf ears...or drugged ones. I postulate that drinking tap water, taking pharmaceutical drugs, eating food laced with preservatives and major complex man-made/derived chemicals...leads one to more easily believe everything you've been taught. Makes one dull and automatic, unable or willing to pursue complex thought. Might get in the way of understanding all of this theory or story! [[don't get me started on watching too much television!)

    The diversion with the obtuse language was my fun way of explaining that one of the simpler ways one can break free of this madness happens to also be yet another conundrum of our modern times. The female gender of the Hemp plant provides in abundance a substance that kicks the brainwaves into high gear...and although it is a simple weed that grows anywhere and everywhere...an herb used throughout history as medicine, it has been highly illegal to possess and consume throughout my lifetime.

    My detractors will quickly rush to call this a lengthy defense of my desire to get more marijuana today...but they are merely using the last and emptiest of their attacks. The marijuana chapter is merely that...a diversion that seems too curious to ignore! Plus it is wildly amusing to me that it is still illegal, and this treatise helps explain why!

    So...hope that helps some, that first post is a rough outline of a grand story I've been researching and writing all of my adult life.


  17. #17


    Another mildly associated, at least proving the CIA is still interested in who's got the truth:


  18. #18


    I can't speak to the rest of the theories [[but I am skeptical), but my take on UFOs--and their occupants, if any--is this:

    Any civilization which has the technology to transit interstellar space in any meaningful fashion is quite capable of keeping us from knowing they are here should they desire that we not know.

    Conversely, should they choose to reveal themselves and announce that they're taking over, said technology would ensure that there's not a damned thing we could do about it.

    Therefore, why bother wondering about it? It will happen--if it happens--when it happens. We are powerless to influence events either way.

    As science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke once said, a sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

  19. #19
    ccbatson Guest


    You go Gannon....then submit some of this to publishers and agents.

  20. #20
    DetroitDad Guest


    Gannon, again you and I should do some sort of collaborative blog. I am intrigued by a lot of your thoughts, maybe I could interview you in a sort of discussion. It would be interesting to say the least. I messaged you about peak oil because I was interested on your thoughts on it [[another subject). I'm also very interested on your thoughts on many other issues, especially 2012, the whole Mayan issue, and the whole galactic alignment, not to mention all the things going on in the world right now. We need to get coffee one of these days.

    You also really need to check out this very interesting machine I have acquired. It can clear your mind and do many of the things you are talking about all by itself.

    As to the topic, I don't know what finding the truth out on such issue will accomplish. Aren't we too small to actually do something about such things? I agree there needs to be transparency in the government in order to prevent conspiracies and conspiracy theories, but how do would you go about getting that at this point in the game?
    Last edited by DetroitDad; July-26-09 at 09:00 PM.

  21. #21
    ccbatson Guest


    A machine that clears your mind? What, pray tell, are you talking about?

  22. #22


    Brainwave Entrainment, Cc.

    Man of medicine should know of such things.

    Doctor...what are the five major ranges of frequencies that brain functions exhibit? How are they related to psychological mood and various types of brain activity? What else do they indicate?

    Once you get there, imagine what creating an electrical grid radiating over an entire continent at 60 cycles per second can do to a population's EM-sensitive nervous system...

    Happy thought grooming...

  23. #23
    Stosh Guest


    This is quite relaxing. Just the tone and image no suggestions. Allegedly the 528hz repairs damaged DNA.

  24. #24
    ccbatson Guest


    Oh, that piece of quackary.

    It should be called the "Power of suggestionator" or the "Placebotron"

  25. #25


    "Cures coughs, colds, sore assholes, and pimples on your belly! And if you order now, we'll include this wonder Cap Snaffler, absolutely free!"

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