Screw John he is an ass

I walked into johns bar for a burger and a Coke one Sunday afternoon I talked with John for about 15 minutes when I first went in and listened him telling the same old stories..
I had been going to Honest Johns since it was over by Belle Isle then followed him to the new place on Seldan.

One Sunday afternoon I went in for a Burger and a Coke while I was eating an old black guy from the neighborhood sat down next to me we struck up an conversation he ended up being a really cool old man so we talked for awhile.

I was enjoying my my conversation with him so much I decided to have a beer with him after I was done with my pop and burger that’s when John refused to serve me anymore
I had not even had a drank a beer in there in months and never had more then two beer in there in my life and always tipped well as a matter of fact I tipped my bar maid 5 bucks before this happened..
from what I`m heard from all over that area he doesn't like the locals from the corridor in his bar and I got booted for being friendly with the local guy sitting next to me at the bar that Sunday..

The old guy had to count his change to make sure he had enough for his meal and beer but he paid for it and was a very polite guy ..
that may not be the reason I got barred from there but that is what most people other bar owners in the area think I’ve talked think in the area they assure me I didn't
do anything wrong John`s just like that ..
If you hang in the midtown area at any other bars just ask about Honest John I promise you you will hear a lot of bad stories and other patrons who have been barred for no reason..

I was bummed about this when it first happened I’ve never been refused a drink anywhere before I had listened to this Johns stories for years and always got along with him..

but he is known for booting long time customers ..Dave