Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
What crime was the 12 year old with the toy gun committing? Even real criminals are due their day in court. The police can't kill whenever they feel like it.
You've got to be kidding, right? Cops plan to go home to their families each day after their shift, so when anyone is pulling out what the cops perceive to be a loaded weapon, they don't have time to stop and analyze the situation. The boy should not have reached in his waistband playing cops and robbers with the police. He was seen pointing this play gun [[which no one knew for sure it was a play gun) in the park. The man who reported it said it looked like a play gun....but who is he? An expert? The gun was missing the orange tip. Did the boy remove it on his own to make the gun much more realistic? Where were the parents when this child is outside, pointing a gun [[real or fake) at people? Maybe the boy was planning suicide by cop, he was seen in the park with his head on his arms like he was upset.
My son is a cop and a damn good one, and I pray to God that if the day ever comes when someone points a gun at him or goes to pull something out of their waistband that he isn't swayed by public opinion and he does exactly what he was trained to do. Next time any of you naysayers need a cop, call someone else because it seems like the cops hands are handcuffed instead of the thugs.
You want anarchy, you'll get it if people don't start stepping in and start reigning in these out of control kids and young adults.
I never wish anyone death, this young boy made a huge mistake...but he owns this, not the cop!