Quote Originally Posted by Mackinaw View Post
Anyway, what question about public subsidies needs to be answered? Some of the papers said that this is all private money for this development. Well sure, but it counts towards the $200M investment that Olympia must make to enjoy the lavish subsidies that are already on the table. So I guess it all factors in to their plum situation. Crain's, I believe, estimated that this could cost $70 million, so the Illitches are almost halfway home in terms of what they NEED to do. Obviously, we should hope for more and the council should have insisted on more.
This is a good point. I wonder if this is something they were planning on doing anyway, and they waited to officially do it until after the arena stuff was settled, so that it could count towards their investment totals.

Here's a question that needs answering: how does the lovely Blenheim building factor in here? Will it be spared?
"A Columbia Street neighborhood to be activated with retail and green space" so I'm guessing the building will be the site of some cutting edge "green space" [[grass) which will "activate" the "neighborhood" [[parking lots and abandoned buildings).