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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Look at the link above about the flaws of the grand jury process. They had enough evidence to put him on trial. Maybe the jury would have not convicted him but the process should have gone forward. The grand jury wasn't supposed to be deciding guilt or innocence, just if they should proceed. You have a dead man and conflicting accounts. Definitely should have been sorted out by a regular jury trial. I don't think police should be immune from prosecution.
    I agree with Pam, there is conflicting evidence that needs sorting out. The Grand Jury decided not to indict, which I believe is in compliance with its duties, but in this case, the main testimony was given by the perpetrator in support of his actions, while there was no testimony from the victim. Nothing at the grand jury level could be done to elicit independent information ie character witnesses to counter the apparent stupidity of the victim's last actions. Therefore I would like to see a jury trial with additional information elicited to balance the media and defense destruction of a young man's character. He lived for 17 years with no record of malice, and in one horrible contrary day, he is destroyed forever. Let's examine that.

  2. #27


    I'm not addressing who was right or wrong in Ferguson. Maybe I just deserve a tin foil hat for having this other thought about timing but I can't help but wonder. What is the relationship between what is going on in Ferguson and the president's Nov. 20 announcement that he decided to change immigration law? Congress had gone home for the Thanksgiving holiday. The powers that be had a suspicion that there would be violence in Ferguson. Police were moved in but where was the national guard? One report has it that pressure from the Obama administration on the Democratic governor of Missouri kept the national guard out of action on opening night. The police in Ferguson, from what I saw, were getting into lines and periodically clearing the street in front of them. The people they cleared seemed to go around the block and resume their activities behind the police lines. It was theater. Maybe if the police had used violence on looters and rock throwers, they would have inflamed [[pun intended) the situation. The stores may have been allowed to burn as an offering or atonement. Maybe that is part of the larger picture. No one seemed to care about how residents would fare without neighborhood businesses so peaceful residents and shop owners were sacrificed for the greater political good too.

    Meanwhile, and this is what I'm getting at, the focus of the national news lifted from reactions to the president's coup and has been instead focused on Ferguson. The administration was blessed with Congress being out of town, the Nation focusing on the upcoming holiday, the administration knew when the Ferguson verdict would be released, had some idea what the reaction would be, and possibly had a hand in controlling its outcome. What better time to announce Obama's new immigration law and fulfill his promises to La Raza?
    Last edited by oladub; November-26-14 at 01:48 PM.

  3. #28


    That IS specious reasoning. That is all.

  4. #29


    Justice Antonin Scalia, in the 1992 Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, explained what the role of a grand jury has been for hundreds of years.

    It is the grand jury’s function not ‘to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,’ or otherwise to try the suspect’s defenses, but only to examine ‘upon what foundation [the charge] is made’ by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 [[O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal Pleading and Practice § 360, pp. 248-249 [[8th ed. 1880).

    As a consequence, neither in this country nor in England has the suspect under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought to have a right to testify or to have exculpatory evidence presented.


  5. #30


    Regarding the Cleveland shooting: F*** all these cowards, seriously. they can go to hell. absolutely abhorrent. How is a 12 year old mistaken for a 20 year old? the 911 caller observes a "guy" holding the toy gun; did they not see fit to point out it was a child? This is yet another example of a black boy being "adult-ized" in the eyes of observers and made over into a criminal threat. 12 year old white boys can openly carry rifles and shotguns in public as they go out to their hunting and camping trips. Black boys get a kill shot for holding toys.
    Unfortunately, shooting deaths/choking of blacks by police are treated with the moral gravity of a parking lot fender-bender by law enforcement and regional government. black boys are reflexively "adult-ized" in the eyes of the law enforcement community and much of the mainstream public, especially when it comes to "questionable" behavior. A group of middle-school aged black boys can frequently described as "men" by passers-by, and police respond with elevated reactions compared to how they would deal with middle-school aged white children. It is absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. There is a deep cultural chasm that exists in this country that no amount of prayer vigils or "community conversations" will solve. Black communities are not respected at all. The humanity of black residents is not respected.

  6. #31


    While African American are still at a Michael Brown Civil War against white people in some America cities and spread further, here is the secret when I talk to one of Street Prophets who was a lone white kid in the Ghetto hoods in Detroit. Very intelligent he was.

    This is how white folks rule the world and blacks didn't have a chance:

    White folks had been running most of the Earth for over 2,000 years or few thousand years back. Let's say a certain white man will give a few pointers to teach blacks how to rule the world. However black folks cry for black power is slowly becoming useless, even up the new millennium. Since white people had been running every nations of the Earth before and after they invaded Africa, A certain white man will teach black folks some instructions in order for blacks to rule the world. Black folks might as well use the white man's plan that works absolutely. Besides it beats the upside down, no progress, repeating methods black folks did during their last 400 years of oppression. A certain white man will help black folks restore or remake their culture. Especially when U.S. President Barack H. Obama is on office. He's a greatest president that the whole world has seen, breaking historical barriers through his university education and clean cut image. However a black man in a white man's house can really say much considering all the hell black folks went through.

    Don't get a certain white man wrong. In many ways you all black folks are happy to get at least one educated black man in higher executive office in the United States. This is a good one black folks should get into more politics. However black folks need to get the big stuff. Ruling the Earth is what white folks specialize in.

    Have you ever heard of the Illuminati? Well, this is the kind of a coordination instruction tool black folks need in order to the rule the Earth.

    These are the three prime things black folks must how white folks achieve to rule the Earth and black folks did not. It's meant to gain real black power:

    1. The first step for black folks to rule the Earth is UNITY!

    I know black folks had heard of the word before, but black folks are having a hard time harnessing its meaning. To black folks the word 'unity' is nothing a construct. Black folks just don't see to get it program in your damaged minds. Black folks most promote animosities against each other instead of your enemies. This is bad business and black folks will never receive true freedom doing thing this way. Instead, do what white do to get real power. White folks divided and conquer entire countries based on their differences while holding true to their similarities. A certain white man will not dump its own identity. He is to preserve his nature. Nothing is racist about it. It's just plain and simple common sense. Black folks became the stupid ones going around loving everybody but yourselves like a dog coming its master. White folks had been beating up black folks in United States for over 400 years and black folks are still going around playing wanna-be Christians, playing church, quoting God's words instead of the studying the whole Bible or going to Sunday school and attend services.

    While black folks playing church and dropping out from Sunday School as most black kids gets older and leave their broken families. White folks had been buying and conquering the world and create segregated laws. All blacks and other colored races must abide by. No offense, but white folks and other races like Hispanics, East Indians, Asians and native peoples have more unity than black people. Even black people in Africa have more cultural unity than African Americans. Just enough to keep white people from exploiting more fragile natural resources from Africa. In Fact most black British folks don't like African Americans because they lost most of their identity.

    Look to the businesses in your neighborhoods. The people that control those storefronts don't even look like black folks. In fact, everyone who comes the United States set up their shop in the black communities like the Koreans and Mexicans in dying black communities of South Central Los Angeles and Arab Muslims and Chaldeans in most Detroit totally blighted ghetto-hoods. The list goes on and on. Are black folks are tired of letting other races supplying your dying communities with their pacifying junk! The one thing that black folks don't have is total unity.

    2. Once black folks recognize unity, black folks need to get ORGANIZED!

    When white folks rule the Earth, they have a plan in place, a goal. Since white folks makes up the minority of the global population, white folks knew the only way to survive is a enslave non-white people. It is their plan for global white supremacy. White folks didn't stop there. White folks started their armies and execute and oppress black folks and other colored races into perfection. Killing men, women and children all over the world with brute force. Whatever white folks needed, they just took it. If Blacks and other races didn't like it, oh well!

    Remember there are no rules in war. It's kill or be killed, conquer or be conquered! White folks objective is for ensure survival. Black folks seem to be having problems dealing with economic hardships, social injustices and pacified to government subsides from living on welfare checks to food stamps just happen be chance alone. Never mind, white folks have work over 4 centuries day and night to keep black folks exactly right we want you all. On the institutionalized plantation without the confederation. It's totally true.

    Here's a secret. Most white folks don't tell blacks and other folks about this event. You see, with all the free labor white ancestors got from black ancestors translated into a lot of money in the global economy. In fact the black slave trade along with indentured servants was the great building tool in human history. It made America what it is today. With free labor white folks can finance the industrial revolution. All the money went to the vast majority white families. With all due respect, white folks tend to keep it that way.

    Reverend and Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was very good from integrating public transportation buses to rally for poor black garbage collectors in Memphis, Tennessee. But he didn't focus on integrating bank accounts and corporations. Black folks were absolutely shut out from money and other federal reparations that could help the black community create jobs, education and support regional growth. But its white folks that got all the best jobs, which brings me to the white man's point. It's just another plantation without the confederation.

    Being organized is not just part of the alignment, it's knowing the traps white folks laid out for black folks. and moving around them. Every other race knows about except most black folks. That education will keep black folks enslaved. It would only produced what is already produced. A bunch up dressed up plantation workers perfectly contend working and serving another man's vision. You all black folks don't really don't think we are going to teach you to build a nation for yourselves? Do you? If you all black folks were really educated you all be able to solve your own problems. Problems like gang violence, poor economics and under representation. Instead you all black folks will continue to pass that notion getting a good career down to your children. This will brainwash them to be just like their oppressed ancestors. And the cycle will repeat for generations. While white folks will continue their ruling society at the top, black kids in their next generation will continue to celebrate the next black Catholic Pope of the Vatican.

    3. The third thing to gain black power is most important of all is RELIGION!

    White folks used religion on black folks as a way to deal with their psychology rather than their subconscious minds. When white folks rule the Earth they decided to use religion as a dangerous weapon of all to subjugate black folks and other races in the planet. Religion fused with white supremacy by white folks is met to black folks to believe a white pagan God that looks like a Christian God, a white Jesus. But the Bible does not say that God is white or Jesus is white. In fact one disciple in the Bible describes Jesus has hair is like wool and the feet the color of brass. All black folks who are under this religion instead of recognizing true Christianity will be subjugated.

    If a robber breaks into your house, beats you and your family, kills your mother and father. Then tells you that in order you can go to Heaven you have to worship as God.[[simular to the Qu'ran of the Muslims, saying 'Allah Akbar and Allahu Akbar' for Islam while holding a scimitar or a gun, kill the infidel and be rewarded to Heaven. By the way, Allah is a moon God named Al- lat!) If someone did that to any other race; then said to be born again, I have to worship as God. I kill the fool right on the spot. You all black folks seemed to have no problem shooting your God of your enemies. Even worst as in fact in all the praying that you black folks had done. It seems like the God of the white man is just as racist as we are. Anytime you all black folks start believing of your God of your enemies, it pretty much means 'you're a complete idiot and a pussy!' This is a deep sickness because to believe a man who murder your family is your friend is to believe that watermelons has gills.

    This kind of thinking lacks critical reasoning. A skill needed to defend territorial in the minds of youth. You all black folks believe that Haiti, the only black nation in the New World that cast whites and hispanic folks out of your so called tiny little island. It is now cursed because many of you black folks practice Voodoo. You all black folks go further to believe it was God, [[ the Christian God) that hit Haiti with a 7.5 Earthquake. Your religious minded blacks believe that God, [[The Christian God) had sent Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans to punish them for their sins.

    Let me tell you black folks the truth. White folks gave black folks this God [[ the God of your enemies). Because they knew that when black folks worship a white God, black folks will be subconsciously worshiping us. That was a part of the white folks plan and it worked like a charm since the old Dixie days in the American Southern Confederate Slave Plantations. White folks decided to perfect it and taken the Gods to all the Nations of the Earth to other colored folks. You see white folks know if they can get blacks and other colored folks to put down their 'pagan' Gods, and pick up that white man's God. Black folks will lose your real black power. This is really effective tactic to control people. Practically by doing this black folks will never fight back white people because subconsciously you will be fighting God! I know this is wacky, this is why you all black folks cheer for your 'white American Jesus' and forget about your brothers and sisters from Haiti, Jamaica and all African Nations and have them all wipe out! While kissing Rev. Pat Robison's behind!

    By the way, the only two black people in America who discover the God is color and anything was Honorable Elijah Mohammed, who started the Nation of Islam in 1926 and Malcolm X, who become the first national minister. They can say God is black and he will come as a black man. They can say God is white and God can came to mankind is a white man. It doesn't mean that God is either black or white. He is everything. He is what he is. Just like in Bible when the first Prophet Moses see God as a burning bush. Every black Muslim believed him including lost black folks. However the Hon. Elijah Mohammed and Malcolm X preach constant blame of the white folks rather than uncover the truth of the white man's plan for world dominance. Malcolm X also preach against Black Christians claiming they playing uncle tom for white folks. So many Black Muslims withdrew for the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X took some folks with them and started Muslim Mosque Inc. Other black folks who are under in the mind of the white pagan God of the their enemies that looks like Christian God will not be unplugged. They would do anything in their power to protect their false religious culture. Even killing their brothers and sisters.

    Meanwhile the white man's and their machines can shake up more prime estate for the oil companies. If black folks continue to follow the God of your enemies, black folks will never rule the Earth because black folks will have totally allegiance with white folks instead of the one true God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is very angry because black folks traded him for a synthetic copy for a white God who is blue eyed white haired hippie whose name we took from the Greek God Zeus.

    MORE TO COME....
    Last edited by Danny; November-27-14 at 02:25 PM.

  7. #32



    So, let's recap. The top three black folks need to the rule the world and to have real black power is:

    1. Get some unity. Stop killing each other over nickel bags of weed and dope. Black folks are basically killing each other to prevent forming a revolutionary army. Please stop your senseless killing and unite!

    2. Get organized. There is nothing worse than a bunch of rich rappers taking about gangsta and keepin' it real. When all of them still work for which white folks and Jewish investors that exploit their talent and suck their incomes dry. With Jay-Z, P-Diddy and Oprah, you all black folks should have your own distribution company by now instead of relaying on your white backers to put on your albums. This is because you all black folks are not organized. This goes for all black sports athletes, too. Being stupid, careless and too prodigal with your riches. Stop being a slave and wake up. When you all die, you won't have to pass your ridiculous legacy to your children like a championship ring. When each white folk die, they would have a property and nation to pass on to their children to rule. For black folks who into rapping and professional sports no one will remember you all. Your incomes they once had will be giving back to whites and Jewish investors. Black folks need be organized and put your money and minds together for one common goal, BLACK POWER!

    3. Believe in God of the Hebrew people [[as in God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost instead of the white man's religion.) This white man's pagan God that looks like the Christian God has done nothing much to black folks since you all believe in him. Basically whit man's God has done to black folks is allow white folks to continue to steal your hope, riches and families and dreams from you all. Sure, white folks will give a few black folks to make the corporate ladder and make you stars and saviors in your failed oppressed communities. It's to keep black folks from rising up and revolt in high numbers and suck your resources dry. Black folks will keep praying while white folks will keep slaying. And taking more land and controlling the Earth. It will be this way as long as you fall for the lie as some white dude is going to descend from Heaven and pull black folks out their slave masters. Instead go back and believe in the one true God, who is called Jehovah, The God and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, his son Jesus who really had hair of wool and the feet the color of brass. And God the Holy Ghost. The one true God of the Hebrews and Cushites when you all were rich in Africa and diamonds, gold and health. It certainly beats the heck out of the white man's pagan God that white folks given you. Even you all black folks believed in rocks, trees, sun, sky, rivers, lakes, oceans and totem animals, you all probably have more world ruling power than white folks.

    One last thing, black people need to stop saying that their blessed. [[as in being blessed without the one true God.) This is not only dumb, but it let's the white folks know we are very much in control. If I and steal you and your family from your home and throw you all into to cardboard box; have you work oppressively for 400 years on a Dixieland plantation. Just because I give you a pillow doesn't mean that you are blessed. It just means I give you all a pillow. If a guy cuts off your hand and then turns around and gives you a bandage, it don't mean anyone blessed you. Just means the slave master needs its slaves to work the next day. So black folks are blessed just because a white folks gives you a doggie treat, it simply means your are fools!

    So given all the mess you black folks dealt in this so-called free country we white folks called The United States of America. White folks are trying to run a plantation as black folks are doing plantation politics just to keep up with the morale. So if gone from Africa, the land of milk and honey, diamonds and resources. Place where you all black folks have a name and identity and culture and thousand of acres of land to a New world when you became a slave, living in the ghettos, pacified to government welfare and food stamp system, living a life of crime, oppressed to the white man's law and their pagan God for their old times. Through your everyday miserable means then you're blessed! So black folks, please put the the white man's God down and try to do something for yourselves. I hope I have given you food for thought. And I, a 12 year white kid will continue so that you all black folks follow my instructions for to rule the Earth real Black power, Black unity, Black organization and Black religion by worshiping a one true God of the Hebrews and Cushites. You all are the truly the lost tribe of Israel that was scattered and oppressed in all the Earth.

    Take back your true blackness, NOW!

    That 12 year old white kid really put some truth to my ears. He should be the next professor of Pan-African Studies, even though he's white.
    Last edited by Danny; November-27-14 at 02:42 PM.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Nancy Grace says, it doesn't add up:


  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Nancy Grace says, it doesn't add up:

    She's a shit-stirer fielded by CNN in an incestual attempt to support the Media myths to increase market share. An ugly old boot who makes money by being controversial and obnoxious. [[and she does it well).
    Last edited by coracle; November-28-14 at 02:06 PM.

  10. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Nancy Grace says, it doesn't add up:

    She couldn't add 2+2.

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Whatever you think of her, she makes some good points in that clip. Why didn't he just drive away? He was so "afraid" yet he got out of the car.

    Lawrence O'Donnell commentary:


  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Whatever you think of her, she makes some good points in that clip. Why didn't he just drive away? He was so "afraid" yet he got out of the car.

    Lawrence O'Donnell commentary:

    i don't know. I wasn't there. Neither were you.

  13. #38


    [QUOTE=Pam;460602]Why didn't he just drive away? /QUOTE]
    That was the question the little weasel from Good Morning America [[?) asked Darren Wilson; which is suggesting the Police stop doing their jobs and cede our streets to thugs. Why didn't Brown respect authority? Had he have done, he would be alive today and Darren Wilson's life would not be in ruins because of a thug.

  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    Justice Antonin Scalia, in the 1992 Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, explained what the role of a grand jury has been for hundreds of years.
    It is the grand jury’s function not ‘to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,’ or otherwise to try the suspect’s defenses, but only to examine ‘upon what foundation [the charge] is made’ by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 [[O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal Pleading and Practice § 360, pp. 248-249 [[8th ed. 1880).

    As a consequence, neither in this country nor in England has the suspect under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought to have a right to testify or to have exculpatory evidence presented.


    I have seen many references o this quote, all taken out of context and from a decision on an different issue [[whether exculpatory evidence must be presented to a grand jury).

    While it is not a constitutional right, many jurisdictions allow the person who is subject to the possible indictment to testify in front of a grand jury. While doing so, that person will be subject to prosecutorial questioning and cannot represented by an attorney while in the grand jury room.

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    That was the question the little weasel from Good Morning America [[?) asked Darren Wilson; which is suggesting the Police stop doing their jobs and cede our streets to thugs. Why didn't Brown respect authority? Had he have done, he would be alive today and Darren Wilson's life would not be in ruins because of a thug.
    No, he would be alive today if a trigger happy cop hadn't abused his authority. Even so called "thugs" are entitled to their day in court in this country. The police are not supposed to be judge, jury and executioner.

  16. #41


    I just read that Darren Wilson resigned his position on Ferguson Police Force in effect as of today Saturday. It probably means he won't be needing the [[financial) support from the Police Dept. to fight a Civil Rights Case because there isn't going to be one; but they don't want to announce it yet and they'll just let it fade away. We'll see!

  17. #42


    Let's do the ethic math: White police + shoots a black male = race riot. Do you want another experience?

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Let's do the ethic math: White police + shoots a black male = race riot. Do you want another experience?
    Let's use REAL World math instead?: One could cite at least 5 instances of Black Thugs shooting White Police = NO race riot: even though blacks only make up 13% of the population. Discuss why it's this way round with your 12 year old white Street Prophet from the Ghetto. I'm sure ALL Police Officers are aware of these FACTS when they engage any truculent Black anywhere in the country and take all necessary precautions.
    Last edited by coracle; November-30-14 at 07:40 AM.

  19. #44


    [QUOTE=Pam;460602]Whatever you think of her, she makes some good points in that clip[QUOTE]
    This is CNN Pam so you can be reasonably sure they first decide on the answers they want to project their "good points" then they make up questions to ask to elicit the answers. It might even be scripted and presented as an ad lib discussion. [[I'm sure CNN is not alone in such practices - they are all in Entertainment but pretend it's "News and Comment")

  20. #45


    [QUOTE=coracle;460702][QUOTE=Pam;460602]Whatever you think of her, she makes some good points in that clip
    This is CNN Pam so you can be reasonably sure they first decide on the answers they want to project their "good points" then they make up questions to ask to elicit the answers. It might even be scripted and presented as an ad lib discussion. [[I'm sure CNN is not alone in such practices - they are all in Entertainment but pretend it's "News and Comment")
    Whats sad is how the opinions are divided along party lines and no one gives two shits about the facts. Typical.

  21. #46


    ^^^ That's what I've been saying......

  22. #47


    Eh, what promise? Immigration what?! I did almost forget........Politicians and their promises.

    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Meanwhile, and this is what I'm getting at, the focus of the national news lifted from reactions to the president's coup and has been instead focused on Ferguson. The administration was blessed with Congress being out of town, the Nation focusing on the upcoming holiday, the administration knew when the Ferguson verdict would be released, had some idea what the reaction would be, and possibly had a hand in controlling its outcome. What better time to announce Obama's new immigration law and fulfill his promises to La Raza?
    Last edited by Zacha341; November-30-14 at 08:44 PM.

  23. #48


    I wonder how many people, when convicted by a jury after punching a police officer, were sentenced to death.

    Crime may be decreasing and a construction worker may be more likely to be seriously injured than a LEO, yet we're seemingly allowing police to be judge, juries, and executioners.

  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    I wonder how many people, when convicted by a jury after punching a police officer, were sentenced to death.

    Crime may be decreasing and a construction worker may be more likely to be seriously injured than a LEO, yet we're seemingly allowing police to be judge, juries, and executioners.

    What exactly was Officer Wilson's other option? Run away like suggested by some above? Let the 300lb man continue to punch him and take his weapon? How exactly do you think that would have ended up? Below are a few recent articles about officers that were shot and killed by "Unarmed" men.



    Last edited by Johnnny5; December-01-14 at 10:15 AM.

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    What exactly was Officer Wilson's other option? Run away like suggested by some above? Let the 300lb man continue to punch him and take his weapon? How exactly do you think that would have ended up? Below are a few recent articles about officers that were shot and killed by "Unarmed" men.



    I won't engage in making unfounded assumptions like many others will, but I don't recall him firing his gun from within the car. There appears to be have been some physical separation. At that point, conceivably, there are many options. Some viable and some not, but all lacking information concerning the victim's intent or alternate outcome.

    But then, I don't believe the average street cop should be carrying a gun.

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