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  1. #1

    Default The Michael Brown Civil War might by starting!

    On August 9, 2014, Ferguson,MO. Eighteen year old African American male Michael Brown was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, a white Ferguson police officer. This incident spark a massive protest and rioting in Ferguson and some parts of St. Louis and its suburbs. Darren Wilson was not charged of the shooting. However the Federal Grand Jury might indict him for violation Brown's civil rights with following simple police protocols. Now protesters will be out of the street calling for Wilson to be either charged or indicted. If Wilson goes free a possible consequences might happen coming African Americans. It will be like a racial powder keg ready to explode!

    Will Brown-Wilson incident cause outbreaks of riots will over America? will it slow down if the Wilson is indicted? African Americans are getting sick and tired of racism. and they will do any means necessary to send their message to all the nations of the Earth.

  2. #2


    The grand jury saw the evidence. We have not. The Feds will continue to investigate. All should remain calm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    No indictment. Unbelievable.

  4. #4


    No indictment! this means it's open season to kill African Americans. Their response. 'THIS MEANS WAR!'

    Let the riots begin.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    No indictment. Unbelievable.
    So I assume you would have preferred a long, media circus of a trial that undoubtedly could not have led to a conviction? Like the prosecutor [[And Bobl) stated, the grand jury saw all the evidence.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    So I assume you would have preferred a long, media circus of a trial that undoubtedly could not have led to a conviction? Like the prosecutor [[And Bobl) stated, the grand jury saw all the evidence.
    I would have liked to have a seen a trial leading to a conviction.

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Scolding rioters is one thing, and it is nominally understood, from a standpoint of "if you break stuff, the cops will come down hard on you"-- but ultimately, whether someone "peacefully protests" or not, the public policy doesn't change. The innocent shootings by police are not penalized. If those who "peacefully protest" and offer prayers are "doing the right thing" in comparison-- what is the next step when government and law enforcement don't change and tell the aggrieved to basically kick rocks? Oh, well...

  9. #9
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    In this video, two experienced attorneys explain what, in their view, are serious flaws with the grand jury process in the Darren Wilson case

  10. #10

    Default Ferguson Grand Jury Does Not Indict Policeman in Michael Brown Shooting

    See video and articles re. decision and response:

    Streets of Ferguson smolder after grand jury declines to indict officer


    Charlie LeDuff in Ferguson: We've got to respect each other

  11. #11


    President Obama Speaks on the Ferguson Decision


  12. #12


    America is seeing the Michael Brown Civil War just started.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    I would have liked to have a seen a trial leading to a conviction.
    So regardless of what the evidence showed you would prefer to see the man charged and convicted? Do you mind if I ask why?

  14. #14
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    So regardless of what the evidence showed you would prefer to see the man charged and convicted? Do you mind if I ask why?
    Look at the link above about the flaws of the grand jury process. They had enough evidence to put him on trial. Maybe the jury would have not convicted him but the process should have gone forward. The grand jury wasn't supposed to be deciding guilt or innocence, just if they should proceed. You have a dead man and conflicting accounts. Definitely should have been sorted out by a regular jury trial. I don't think police should be immune from prosecution.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    America is seeing the Michael Brown Civil War just started.
    And soon, we might even see this sprout up at 12th and Clairmount and at Royal Oak's Memorial Park, both all over again.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Look at the link above about the flaws of the grand jury process. They had enough evidence to put him on trial. Maybe the jury would have not convicted him but the process should have gone forward. The grand jury wasn't supposed to be deciding guilt or innocence, just if they should proceed. You have a dead man and conflicting accounts. Definitely should have been sorted out by a regular jury trial. I don't think police should be immune from prosecution.
    That video was the OPINION of two attorneys. It doesn't prove the process was flawed. However, in hindsight, it probably would have behooved everyone involved to have a change of venue for all the legal proceedings of this case. That decision should have been made back in August when the incident first happened. Folks outside the area may have been more objective. However, that's the rub with our laws. On paper, everything is objective. In interpretation and enforcement of them , it's all subjective. Nevertheless, the whole thing is a bad situation all the way around.

  17. #17


    I, too, think a change of venue was the way to go. There are a lot of things that were done wrong here. Good ole boy network leaking selective information, a dozen shots, the arson and looting, for starters.
    What I do not understand is the hero status some place on either the officer who seemed to use excessive force or the bully who intimidated a merchant and stole merchandise from him.
    There are no heroes here.
    Last edited by Bobl; November-25-14 at 12:15 PM.

  18. #18


    It is really discouraging to watch the media blow up with a seemingly infinite fountain of negativity about the victims of this type of homicidal fear.

    Stand your ground? What about when the perpetrator has invaded the ground of the victim? Why is it the perpetrator standing their ground? Why isn't it the victim, who has been silenced by death?

    Policeman terrified by the sight of a black man? When do we deal with this in an open way, without the automatically added weight of the threat of color?

    Yet the fountain continues as the media continues to seek out and magnify every kind of possible way to make the victim more responsible than the perpetrator, everything to heroize the perpetrator and excuse their recklessness on the grounds of demonizing the victim.

    We need a fountain in the other direction, one that humanizes every person, regardless of color. If you look for good, you find it. If you look for bad, you find it, no matter what color the person is you are looking at. It's about time we stopped looking for good on one side and only expecting bad on the other.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
    It is really discouraging to watch the media blow up with a seemingly infinite fountain of negativity about the victims of this type of homicidal fear.

    Stand your ground? What about when the perpetrator has invaded the ground of the victim? Why is it the perpetrator standing their ground? Why isn't it the victim, who has been silenced by death?

    Policeman terrified by the sight of a black man? When do we deal with this in an open way, without the automatically added weight of the threat of color?

    Yet the fountain continues as the media continues to seek out and magnify every kind of possible way to make the victim more responsible than the perpetrator, everything to heroize the perpetrator and excuse their recklessness on the grounds of demonizing the victim.

    We need a fountain in the other direction, one that humanizes every person, regardless of color. If you look for good, you find it. If you look for bad, you find it, no matter what color the person is you are looking at. It's about time we stopped looking for good on one side and only expecting bad on the other.
    Well said.

  20. #20


    For sure and the looting and burning does nothing for the Brown family or his memory. Families who put their life and sweat into their businesses are now have ruin. Chain stores burned and looted. Will these stores rebuild? What has the violence solved?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
    There are no heroes here.

  21. #21
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    Mar 2009

  22. #22

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Not mentioned: Mike Papantonio was himself a former prosecutor.

  24. #24


    While African American are still at a Michael Brown Civil War against white people in some America cities and spread further, here is the secret when I talk to one of Street Prophets who was a lone white kid in the Ghetto hoods in Detroit. Very intelligent he was.

    This is how white folks rule the world and blacks didn't have a chance:

    White folks had been running most of the Earth for over 2,000 years or few thousand years back. Let's say a certain white man will give a few pointers to teach blacks how to rule the world. However black folks cry for black power is slowly becoming useless, even up the new millennium. Since white people had been running every nations of the Earth before and after they invaded Africa, A certain white man will teach black folks some instructions in order for blacks to rule the world. Black folks might as well use the white man's plan that works absolutely. Besides it beats the upside down, no progress, repeating methods black folks did during their last 400 years of oppression. A certain white man will help black folks restore or remake their culture. Especially when U.S. President Barack H. Obama is on office. He's a greatest president that the whole world has seen, breaking historical barriers through his university education and clean cut image. However a black man in a white man's house and really say much considering all the hell black folks went through.

    Don't get a certain white man wrong. In many ways you all black folks are happy to get at least one educated black man in higher executive office in the United States. This is a good one black folks should get into more politics. However black folks need to get the big stuff. Ruling the Earth is what white folks specialize in.

    Have you ever heard of the Illuminati? Well, this is the kind of a coordination instruction tool black folks need in order to the rule the Earth.

    These are the three prime things black folks must how white folks achieve to rule the Earth and black folks did not. It's meant to gain real black power:

    1. The first step for black folks to rule the Earth is UNITY!

    I know black folks had heard of the word before, but black folks are having a hard time harnessing its meaning. To black folks the word 'unity' is nothing a construct. Black folks just don't see to get it program in your damaged minds. Black folks most promote animosities against each other instead of your enemies. This is bad business and black folks will never receive true freedom doing thing this way. Instead, do what white do to get real power. White folks divided and conquer entire countries based on their differences while holding true to their similarities. A certain white man will not dump its own identity. He is to preserve his nature. Nothing is racist about it. It's just plain and simple common sense. Black folks became the stupid ones going around loving everybody but yourselves like a dog coming its master. White folks had been beating up black folks in United States for over 400 years and black folks are still going around playing wanna-be Christians, playing church, quoting God's words instead of the studying the whole Bible or going to Sunday school and attend services.

    While black folks playing church and dropping out from Sunday School as most black kids gets older and leave their broken families. White folks had been buying and conquering the world and create segregated laws. All blacks and other colored races must abide by. No offense, but white folks and other races like Hispanics, East Indians, Asians and native peoples have more unity than black people. Even black people in Africa have more cultural unity than African Americans. Just enough to keep white people from exploiting more fragile natural resources from Africa. In Fact most black British folks don't like African Americans because they lost most of their identity.

    Look to the businesses in your neighborhoods. The people that control those storefronts don't even look like black folks. In fact, everyone who comes the United States set up their shop in the black communities like the Koreans and Mexicans in dying black communities of South Central Los Angeles and Arab Muslims and Chaldeans in most Detroit totally blighted ghetto-hoods. The list goes on and on. Are black folks are tired of letting other races supplying your dying communities with their pacifying junk! The one thing that black folks don't have is total unity.

    2. Once black folks recognize unity, black folks need to get ORGANIZED!

    When white folks rule the Earth, they have a plan in place, a goal. Since white folks makes up the minority of the global population, white folks knew the only way to survive is a enslave non-white people. It is their plan for global white supremacy. White folks didn't stop there. White folks started their armies and execute and oppress black folks and other colored races into perfection. Killing men, women and children all over the world with brute force. Whatever white folks needed, they just took it. If Blacks and other races didn't like it, oh well!

    Remember there are no rules in war. It's kill or be killed, conquer or be conquered! White folks objective is for ensure survival. Black folks seem to be having problems dealing with economic hardships, social injustices and pacified to government subsides from living on welfare checks to food stamps just happen be chance alone. Never mind, white folks have work over 4 centuries day and night to keep black folks exactly right we want you all. On the institutionalized plantation without the confederation. It's totally true.

    Here's a secret. Most white folks don't tell blacks and other folks about this event. You see, with all the free labor white ancestors got from black ancestors translated into a lot of money in the global economy. In fact the black slave trade along with indentured servants was the great building tool in human history. It made America what it is today. With free labor white folks can finance the industrial revolution. All the money went to the vast majority white families. With all due respect, white folks tend to keep it that way.

    Reverend and Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was very good from intergrating public transportation buses to rally for poor black garbage collectors in Memphis, Tennessee. But he focus on intergrating bank accounts and corporations. Black folks were absolutely shut out from money and other federal reparations that could help the black community create jobs, education and support regional growth. But its white folks that got all the best jobs, which brings me to the white man's point. It's just another plantation without the confederation.

    Being organized is not just part of the alignment, it's knowing the traps white folks laid out for black folks. and moving around them. Every other race knows about except most black folks. That education will keep black folks enslaved. It would only produced what is already produced. A bunch up dressed up plantation workers perfectly contend working and serving another man's vision. You all black folks don't really don't think we are going to teach you to build a nation for yourselves? Do you? If you all black folks were really educated you all be able to solve your own problems. Problems like gang violence, poor economics and under representation. Instead you all black folks will continue to pass that notion getting a good career down to your children. This will brainwash them to be just like their oppressed ancestors. And the cycle will repeat for generations. While white folks will continue their ruling society at the top, black kids in their next generation will continue to celebrate the next black Catholic Pope of the Vatican.

    3. The third thing to gain black power is most important of all is RELIGION!

    White folks used religion on black folks as a way to deal with their psychology rather than their subconscious minds. When white folks rule the Earth they decided to use religion as a dangerous weapon of all to subjugate black folks and other races in the planet. Religion fused with white supremacy by white folks is met to black folks to believe a white God, a white Jesus. But the Bible does not say the God is white or Jesus is white. In fact one disciple in the Bible describes Jesus has hair is like wool and the feet the color of brass. All black folks who are under this religion instead of recognizing true Christianity will be subjugated.

    If a robber breaks into your house, beats you and your family, kills your mother and father. Then tells you that in order you can go to Heaven you have to worship as God. If someone did that to any other race; then said to be born again, I have to worship as God. I kill the fool right on the spot. You all black folks seemed to have no problem shooting your God of your enemies. Even worst as in fact in all the praying that you black folks had done. It seems like the God of the white man is just as racist as we are. Anytime you all black folks start believing of your God of your enemies, it pretty much means 'you're a complete idiot and a pussy!' This is a deep sickness because to believe a man who murder your family is your friend is to believe that watermelons has gills.

    This kind of thinking lacks critical reasoning. A skill needed to defend territorial in the minds of youth. You all black folks believe that Haiti, the only black nation in the New World that cast whites and hispanic folks out of your so called tiny little island. Is cursed because many of you black folks practice Voodoo. You all black folks go further to believe it was God that hit Haiti with a 7.5 Earthquake. Your religious minded blacks believe that God had sent Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans to punish them for their sins.

    Let me tell you black folks the truth. White folks gave black folks this God. Because they knew that when black folks worship a white God, black folks will be subconsciously worshiping us. That was a part of the white folks plan and it worked like a charm since the old Dixie days in the American Southern Confederate Slave Plantations. White folks decided to perfect it and taken the Gods to all the Nations of the Earth to other colored folks. You see white folks know if they can get blacks and other colored folks to put down their 'pagan' Gods, and pick up that white man's God. Black folks will lose your real black power. This is really effective tactic to control people. Practically by doing this black folks will never fight back white people because subconsciously you will be fighting God! I know this is wacky, this is why you all black folks cheer for your 'white American Jesus' and forget about your brothers and sisters from Haiti, Jamaica and all African Nations and have them all wipe out! While kissing Rev. Pat Robison's behind!

    MORE TO COME......

  25. #25


    ^^^^^ OK, I'll say it. Holy Shit!!!

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