My Courville container was skipped today. It was the third in a row in front of my house.
I think the trash truck driver is the same one as before privatization. The Garbage Chalet
at the Southfield Yard was not there the last time I checked.
Today on another forum someone was still advocating for creating dense neighborhoods
in Detroit through buying owners out of the least dense neighborhoods. Here's another
reality check for that idea.
My neighborhood has a certain element that buys and sells drugs there and sometimes steals
items to support that habit. This morning I followed [[at a distance, in my house slippers) a person hauling what seemed to be an empty Courville container down my street and alerted a next door neighbor to the house where the container ended up. Later I alerted a neighborhood watch person. The Detroit neighborhoods have had "little islands of stability" and density and
within these islands neighbors tend to look out for one another and repel the drug crowd from
their island. It would be of benefit if the persons picking up the trash were to pick up all of it without regard to how close the containers are to each other.