Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
Compared to other viruses, ebola is relatively low on the contagion scale. Its high mortality rate is what makes it so terrifying.
Well put. Mr. Duncan lied to Liberian authorities to leave Liberia claiming he had not had contact with any ebola victims.

"Two days after he was sent home from a Dallas hospital, the man who is the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States was seen vomiting on the ground outside an apartment complex as he was bundled into an ambulance.
“His whole family was screaming. He got outside and he was throwing up all over the place,” resident Mesud Osmanovic, 21, said on Wednesday, describing the chaotic scene before the man was admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday where he is in serious condition."
-Yahoo News

As of last night, the plastic bag full of vomit, sweat, etc. was still in the apartment with Mr. Duncan's fiance, ex-wife, or whatever she is, her [[their?) son, and two adult nephews. No one has taken it away because they can't find people to do the work. A couple of county officials paid a visit without protective gear. They are also now quarantined. Food was finally provided by a guy in shorts. The vomit outside on the sidewalk was addressed by a guy with a power washer and broom and no protective gear. It flowed down the gutter somewhere. The ambulance used to drive Mr. Duncan to the hospital was infected but was used for an additional 48 hours before any of the subsequent ambulance crews were notified.

"Before I left, I had asked an expert how much virus is in each droplet of body fluid. At time of death, when the viral load is highest, he told me, it’s probably 500,000 to 1 million particles. And how much virus would it take to become infected? Somewhere between one and 10 particles, he said." -Washington Post

I'm thinking this could all be done better and that we will be lucky if this doesn't spread given the third world response. If this is the best public health agencies can do with only one ebola victim to contain, imagine the mess a larger outbreak could create. This is too much like Brownie doing a "heck of a job" in New Orleans.

Not totally related but I'm reading all sorts of contradictions about the people involved. Who are they? How did they get here? What sort of visas were they given? The last time Obama tried to pass amnesty, we were introduced to the Tsarnaev family and the $100,000 of welfare provided them. Now this. So I am wondering why Mr. Duncan and Louise are here. What makes them, or the senior Tsarnaevs, so desirable that they were admitted to this country?