Quote Originally Posted by Willi View Post
I think Duggan would garner a ton of respect , if he had the backbone to aggresively collect,
every dime owed to the Water Department from those that didn't pay in the past.
New Sheriff in town mentality --- cut out the nonsense, stop the race card dead in its tracks.
All people, regardless of ethnicity, race, sking color MUST pay for clean pressurized water on tap.

Don't like it - you have the right to go down to Detroit River daily with a bucket and get water.
You have the right to collect rain water falling from the sky, suck up puddles, etc.
Just don't hang your bare butt over the rim to take a dump or we'll fine you for indecency.
Yeah, that toilet part of the game runs on pressurized clean water, so pay up deadbeats.

Pay the water bill first ---before you put gas in the car, turn on the tv, or get a haircut.
Try living without water for 1 week and we'll see what you make a priority in your life.

Funny, if we are out on a boat and I unzip and take a whiz over the side, that is perfectly legal. On the other hand, if my wife takes a whiz in a bucket and I pour it out over the side, I can get cited for polluting the waters.