Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
Planning schools don't teach that. Twenty four years of experience allows you to see what is actually going on.

It is not necessary for building a neighborhood, but that is what is being done. Pretty smart way of getting control of an area that is on the way up. Cincinnati and Columbus have both implemented similar strategies.
"Getting control of an area that is on the way up." What kind of communist Five Year Plan bullshit is that?

You know what builds a neighborhood? PEOPLE. People with homes, people with businesses, people with leisurely pursuits. Just people. No stadiums, tourist traps, convention centers, or billion-dollar-freeway-widenings necessary.

That, I learned by keeping my own damn eyes open, and for a lot longer than 24 years. I have never, NEVER once heard a person say, "You know, this neighborhood would be a lot better if we had an enormous stadium."

...and FWIW, Columbus can keep their tiny ticky-tacky theme park.