Exactly what Gibran says. Outward appearance tells you nothing, it is the smile and the eyes that shine the spirit out to the world. So smile and get in that pool!

As for dogs, mine is a barker, and I was given a collar that shuts her up. It emits a high pitched squeak when she barks, and somehow, she hates that. It isn't an electric shock, it's just a sound. There are some that make a noise and give them a squirt of citronella, which they hate, and then there are also the ones that emit a slight shock. The one I have was not expensive.

I just found an ultrasonic bark controller for under $50 that would work for all three dogs. You mount it outside if they are outside. In a campground, I bet it would work on surrounding dogs too. People supposedly can't hear it. Where there's a will, there's a way. It would surely give you a new lease on life to get out on the open road. It is my dream, if I can ever get hubby to give me any time. It isn't his dream though.
