I'm really kind of taken aback by some people looking at it and saying "Well, it's cheaper to just finish it so we should." It's like taking your car into the shop and having a band aid repair done instead of looking at the bigger picture and saying "Will I still be okay with my decision a few years down the road? Is it worth the extra money to invest in a better, but more expensive repair? What options are available to me, and after looking through each, which makes the most OVERALL sense?"

Too many people are looking at this and saying "Oh, well other cities did it and it's cheaper and by the courts so it's a good idea" instead of saying "Is this the best use of land when taking into account the future? Will this land end up contributing more to downtown as a jail, or as a not jail? Is someone willing to snatch up the remnants of this project and turn the site into something that improves the quality of life downtown?" THOSE are the questions we as a city and metro area need to ask instead of looking for the same quick band aids we have always used and very rarely pan out 10-20 years down the road.