I can't really speak to the current state of WV as I lived there many years ago. Right next door to the Parkhurst, on Parker. I absolutely loved that part of WV, due to the mix of townhouses, well kept apartments and especially on that block of Parker, some very nice houses. From my peak at Google street view, it looks like the place I lived is in better shape today than when I lived there.

I am encouraged by the reviving retail on Agnes and Parker. I just saw that a vacant half block of buildings on Kercheval has been listed for sale. It would be fantastic for redevelopment to stabilize that end of the Village


I recall that when I watched the Mayor's 6 month review video, he mentioned the neighborhoods where the city will be targeting vacant houses in the upcoming months. West Village was listed as sometime in the fall, as I recall. I hope their efforts are successful; I would expect them to be in that neighborhood.