Quote Originally Posted by SpartanDawg View Post
they're starting out by using it just for their noon one hour news segment... aka when the most people will be out in campus martius during lunch time..

at the very least it will maybe get some older folk in the suburbs who watch the news see some parts of detroit that isn't what they think in their minds is a wasteland.. it's progress.. i think we will see them expand and eventually do a few morning segments here and there from that studio eventually. step in the right direction.
So getting the old people who watch the news to see some activity in a block or two downtown is a step in the right direction? Maybe...maybe not. Detroit cheerleaders are so often misguided. Ignore the old people and the naysayers and keep fighting the good fight and in 10 or 20 years you might have a decent city worthy of all these stupid t shirt slogans. Until then enjoy your life and don't worry about old people in the burbs and the news.