Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
Ha! The Hardy Boys were like literary crack.

The first books that came to mind for me were The Mad Scientists' Club series. It was about a group of junior MacGyvers who pulled pranks and had some surprisingly dangerous adventures. It taught me that just because I was only a kid, that didn't mean I couldn't do impressive things. We'd go on to building tree-house elevators and enormous bombs, atypical kid's stuff. It was that empowering. MadScientistsClub.com

I really do believe that those books set me on a trajectory that colored the rest of my life.

Thanks for the memories and hats off to authors!

As the years went on, while I was attending Wilbur Wright Trade School, I got hooked on the James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. Whenever I finished a book, I would bring it in and give it to one of the guys in class. I guess I started the first James Bond fan club at Wilbur Wright!
Really great memories.