Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
I had went to a Philly Steak restaurant in Grosse Pointe that had just opened this week. It had taken only three months for the restaurant to renovate the spot and open. It had taken a year or two for the 7-11 to open on Randolph and Red Hook to still trying to open in West Village. Mayor Duggan need to fire the director of the Building and Safety Permits dept and hire a whole new crew. Corruption, greed, and incompetence still plague the dept resulting in businesses not being able to open in a timely manner causing other potential businesses to have second thoughts on opening in Detroit especially the downtown area. Get rid of Greg Jackson from the Detroit scene if he or his cronies are still in the background pulling the strings. I don't go to 7-11 that much but I cant stand to see opening soon signs in Detroit a year after those signs were put up in those storefronts while suburban businesses opens a few months after their opening soon signs were hung in their storefronts
I have it on good authority that you shouldn't plan to see this store open, nor any other 7-11 in Detroit. It has nothing to do with any city department, but nice job pointing the finger in their direction. 7-eleven determined that there are better opportunities elsewhere.