Quote Originally Posted by erikd View Post
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if the Detroit bankruptcy is thrown out or approved, because there simply isn't enough money to pay off all of the debt.

This isn't some kind of showdown where the first one to blink is the loser.

The city of Detroit simply can not pay off all of the debt. It doesn't matter what the bankruptcy court says, and it doesn't matter what the state constitution says, because words on a page don't pay the bills. If the city doesn't have enough money to make ends meet, then some of the bills just won't get paid.

It doesn't matter what people have been promised, because there is no possible way that all of those promises can be met.

Shit in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one fills up first...
They're still after the Holy Grail, the artwork. Once that's gone, and all debts paid, vendors will probably be including collateral clauses before signing contracts. If we don't get paid within such and such a timeline, we get Belle Isle.