Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
Oh no, I meant who benefits from it being completely cancelled. But I see where you are coming from, sorry for the misunderstanding. Of course they benefit if it gets built, that's why they are supporting this project because transit is an economic booster. But usually everyone benefits, not just the "1%".
I totally disagree. A few months ago I responded by asking how this benefits a guy in Brightmoor, waiting for a bus to get to work. Every time I responded, I pointed out he's still waiting for a bus. well, he's still waiting for a bus. The Blight Rail won't be doing the majority of Detroiters any good. It will only benefit a handful, if that, of Detroiters. On top of that, we're going to be on the hook for maintenance, and probably funding. Let's get reliable mass transportation in place first, then get 5 choo-choo's and paint them pink and green for all I care. I'm sure Dan's wife would approve.