Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
Then if it doesn't "matter" TAX the GD gasoline! It should increase housing density, if it doesn't you still have more money to build roads that don't destroy a car or public transport, anything at all if it helps to quit sending kids to fight and die halfway around the world to protect the worlds oil supply that's just a bonus then.
I support a gasoline tax instead of a CAFE. A CAFE forces automobile manufacturers to develop fuel saving technologies {at added cost to the vehicle} that the market does not want because gas is cheap.

A tax makes gas expensive, while, as you pointed out, providing funs for better roads; and create a demand or cars with fuel saving technology.

IMO, we pay one way or another.

Like the FRAM add says: "you can pay me now or pay me later"

We chose later and have crappy roads.