A city with no coffee shops is not 'up to code' for me. When we endlessly pass laws requiring this or that, this is the result. We need to re-think whether we are more concerned about things such as 100% barrier-free access to code or 100% access by other means.

I am not opposed to code enforcement -- but one look at most Detroit streets shows that we have bigger issues. Does it matter whether a new business has enough parking spaces per dining seat? Are signs of proper size? Is the door handle at the right height? is the bathroom door 36"? Every rule has a good reason -- but together a culture of 'NO' can result.

Certainly we want reasonable safety from fire. But we also don't want to make it nearly impossible for smaller businesses to open. Bureaucracy, red-tape, codes can become a barrier that only let big business pass -- and keep mom & pop from operating. Is that what we want?