Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
Who said "utopia"? A tool for change. Jobs, lots of them. The service industry and construction industry alone offer tons of employment opportunities for people without a college education. A robust or booming local economy would supply these kinds of jobs in spades around here. It's like everyone forgets how long we have been down. Remember the "one state recession"? The unemployable are different than the unemployed, jobs have been so scarce in the city for so long it's hard to figure out the difference. I'm not talking about union jobs of yesteryear. Just regular entry level type job opportunity that exists in other cities. Human beings are the smartest and most adaptable things on earth, we have been that way for thousands of years. Money is a incredible motivator. I'm not implying that this is the only solution, but I am saying that employment opportunity has been a piece of the puzzle that has been scarce in Detroit for a very long time.
The 3 companies contracted to build the new arena have already stated they cannot meet the goal of 50% Detroiters because as soon as they acquire the trade skills and find employment they move out of the city - and this is only one project. What happens when they start bridge construction and a few highrises at the same time?