Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
Crime isn't a reason? Even during the good economic years of Clinton's presidency, people were still fleeing the city.

For those blaming the economic crisis for deteriorating neighborhoods, ask yourself this: Did a similar deterioration happen in Detroit during the Great Depression? Did people victimize each other and steal and destroy and ravage entire neighborhoods like locusts? No, they did not. And times were WAY worse then. People literally faced starvation.

How many of those homes look they way they do because of scrappers, arsonists, thieves, and other assorted criminal pieces of shit? People weren't raping and murdering each other like it was a post-apocalyptic nightmare during the Great Depression, so you can only blame the economy so much before it becomes just another excuse for people's inherent bad behavior and lack of personal responsibility.

In the depression the govt hired more cops in order to allow money to get to the workers and keep the peace. Detroit laid off hundreds of them.

All of them. No cops = free for all.